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Test pass gen #290

Open abdelfattehjarray opened 1 year ago

abdelfattehjarray commented 1 year ago

There are several changes in the updated version of the code:

Removed the import statement: The updated code removed the import statement, which was importing a module called "CreatePasswords". This module was not defined in the code snippet, and it is not required for the functionality of the program.

Added an if name == "main": block: This block is used to ensure that the code inside the block only runs when the module is executed as the main program. This is important because it prevents the code inside the block from running if the module is imported as a library into another program.

Exception handling for input validation: The updated code includes a try-except block for input validation. This is used to catch any exceptions that may occur when the user enters input that cannot be converted to an integer. If an exception is caught, the code prints an error message and continues the loop, asking the user for input again.

Changed variable naming convention: The updated code uses snake_case naming convention for variables instead of camelCase, which is a common convention in Python.

Changed user input prompt: The updated code changes the user input prompt to make it clearer and more user-friendly.

Overall, the changes made in the updated version of the code improve its readability, maintainability, and robustness. The exception handling ensures that the program does not crash if the user enters invalid input, and the if name == "main": block makes it clear which part of the code is the main program. The changes to the variable naming convention and the user input prompt make the code more readable and user-friendly. The script is designed to test the functionality of the script, which generates a random password based on user input.

The script contains several functions that test different aspects of the password generation process. Here is a summary of the functions and what they test:

test_password_length(): tests that the length of the generated password matches the user input. test_password_content(): tests that the generated password contains only letters, digits, and symbols. test_password_type(): tests that the generated password is of type string. test_user_reply(): tests the user_reply() function, which is used to validate user input. If all the tests pass successfully, the script prints a message to the console indicating that all tests have passed.