Write a C++ program to print numbers from 1 to n without using a loop
Input : 5
Output : 1 2 3 4 5
How to contribute
- Save the solution in `PrintNumbersFrom1ToNWithoutUsingALoop.cpp` file
- Add `PrintNumbersFrom1ToNWithoutUsingALoop.cpp` file in `program/print-numbers-from-1-to-n-without-using-a-loop` folder
Write a C++ program to print numbers from 1 to n without using a loop
How to contribute
- Save the solution in `PrintNumbersFrom1ToNWithoutUsingALoop.cpp` file - Add `PrintNumbersFrom1ToNWithoutUsingALoop.cpp` file in `program/print-numbers-from-1-to-n-without-using-a-loop` folder