coding-buddies-discord / cb-bots

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Replace how we send messages. #25

Closed cubiquitous closed 2 years ago

cubiquitous commented 2 years ago

currently some of the messages are sent with (I can only record of ping using right now). However, due to @emilydta work we found out about interaction.reply that will send a message back replying directly to the one sent. by using interaction.reply we can remove unnecessary things like pinging the user who sent the message via username, such as "hey @username we gave 1point to @anotherUser".

waream2 commented 2 years ago

Just to make sure I understand, we're suggesting that we reply directly to the user who called the bot, as opposed to sending a message to the entire server?

cubiquitous commented 2 years ago

nope. .reply() directly replies to the message that the bot is responding to. so if I sent !points, it would respond to that message in that place (channel and server);

waream2 commented 2 years ago

Ah okay, I think this makes sense. So it would keep the bots response in scope with the message that prompted it?

cubiquitous commented 2 years ago

yes. if you wanna understand better the difference, try the command "!ping" vs "!points". ping uses channel.send() while points use .reply().

edit: just to be clear, we are already using .reply() in !points and !help

emilydta commented 2 years ago

I changed channel.send() in ping to .reply() so now everything is using that atm.

cubiquitous commented 2 years ago

aight, this issue was open not only for the current ones, but for future reference.i think that we al agree that this way is better in most cases