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Token works within Codepen but not in website #6

Closed mikelivingston04 closed 4 years ago

mikelivingston04 commented 4 years ago

Here is my HTML file:



The console within my browser prints out: Uncaught Error: Error from Instagram: The access_token provided is invalid. at Instafeed.parse (main.ec9ab4606cecc5cd0626720852f7df80.js:3422) at popular?access_token=IGQVJXd09hNHpkc2tsazhwb3ZAkeWU1QWx2UktfdDdKN3VMT2lOSlpUVGxPRU1PSVBuZATVTODBWMWJJeVVnYmtVclVMVkU2OXlCOHNsWGtDNHhUYS1wQk1FSHVfeDdmU1oyUXhtZAktn&callback=instafeedCache69931a98e1554ff3.parse:1

Both the JS file and the JSON response work fine within code pen from the examples. The token just doesn't seem to work within my HTML file. I must be missing something

codingbadger commented 4 years ago

I think you are using instafeed.js v1.4.1 - you need to use v2.0.0-rc2

See the releases here the v1 release is marked as latest as v2 is not officially released.

stevenschobert commented 4 years ago

@codingbadger sorry, I plan on making the v2 release official — just have been busy!