codingburgas / 2324-10-volt-ai-solarcode

2324-10-volt-ai-volt-template created by GitHub Classroom
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S2: Research geographical&placement factors for PV efficiency #10

Closed ipopov13 closed 2 months ago

ipopov13 commented 6 months ago

Read the foloowing material and consider what parts you will use in the software:

ipopov13 commented 6 months ago

vbpendashev21 commented 4 months ago


  1. In the northern hemisphere, solar panels should ideally face true south to receive direct sunlight throughout the day. Similarly, in the southern hemisphere, panels should face true north.
  2. Note that there’s a difference between magnetic south (as shown by a compass) and true south (the direction toward the South Pole). Solar panels need to face true south for optimal performance.
  3. Depending on the specific use case, a slight rotation away from due south may be beneficial. For instance, solar panels used for homes could face slightly southwest. This allows them to produce more electricity in the evening when it’s needed most.

Angle (Tilt):

  1. The tilt angle of a solar panel is also essential. The general rule is to set the tilt angle equal to the geographical latitude for optimal annual energy production.
  2. For example, if you’re at a latitude of 40 degrees, the ideal tilt angle would be 40 degrees from horizontal.