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Update Drupal and modules #195

Closed mbuechner closed 4 years ago

mbuechner commented 4 years ago

Drupal version is outdated as well as many modules.

bower-asset/fontawesome        5.10.2       5.12.1      
composer/installers            v1.6.0       v1.8.0       A multi-framework C...
drupal/better_exposed_filters  3.0.0-alpha6 4.0.0-alpha1 Provides advanced o...
drupal/blockgroup              1.1.0        1.2.0        Add block groups to...
drupal/console                 1.9.1        1.9.4        The Drupal CLI. A t...
drupal/core                    8.7.5        8.8.3        Drupal is an open s...
drupal/field_group             3.0.0-rc1    3.0.0        Provides the field_...
drupal/maxlength               1.0.0-beta2  1.0.0-beta5  Limit the number of...
drupal/metatag                 1.9.0        1.11.0       Manage meta tags fo...
drupal/paragraphs              1.8.0        1.11.0       Enables the creatio...
drupal/pathauto                1.4.0        1.6.0        Provides a mechanis...
drupal/select2                 1.3.0        1.7.0        Integration with th...
drupal/views_data_export       1.0.0-beta1  1.0.0-beta4  Plugin to export vi...
drush/drush                    9.7.1        10.2.2       Drush is a command ...
npm-asset/bootstrap            4.3.1        4.4.1       
npm-asset/popper.js            1.15.0       v2.0.6      
npm-asset/select2              4.0.8        4.0.13      
vlucas/phpdotenv               v2.6.1       v4.1.1       Loads environment v...
webflo/drupal-core-require-dev 8.7.5        8.8.3        require-dev depende...
Snater commented 4 years ago

Just saw this ticket, done per