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Updating code with Context.dataStore #10

Closed asknask closed 2 years ago

asknask commented 2 years ago

So I'm trying to follow this tutorial with the latest libraries and have hit a snag.

DataStore is now created with private val Context.dataStore: DataStore<Preferences> by preferencesDataStore("user_preferences"). There are 2 functions in the PreferencesManager.kt file that require access to the dataStore, which in turn requires a context. I've updated them to this (added a context input):

suspend fun updateSortOrder(context: Context, sortOrder: SortOrder) { context.dataStore.edit { preferences -> preferences[PreferencesKeys.SORT_ORDER] = } }

However when this function is accessed from the TasksViewModel, the following code gives an error:

fun onSortOrderSelected(sortOrder: SortOrder) = viewModelScope.launch { preferencesManager.updateSortOrder(this, sortOrder) }

It refuses to accept the context from the coroutine scope. What do I do?

asknask commented 2 years ago

Not sure if this is technically the right way to do it but converting the injected context into a local variable in the PreferencesManager class solves the issue.

class PreferencesManager @Inject constructor(@ApplicationContext private val context: Context)