codingphasedotcom / hyperapp-starterkit

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Info in app.js not rendering #1

Open Joseppi83 opened 6 years ago

Joseppi83 commented 6 years ago

Hey, Joe. Thought I fixed this last night, but it bugged out. I've worked on trying to fix this for about 6 hours total now.

This is what my browser looks like and console reads when I run "npm run watch."

Just in case you can't read the console, here's that info:

vendor.js:544 Uncaught TypeError: enhancer(...) is not a function at createStore (vendor.js:544) at createStore (vendor.js:544) at vendor.js:916 at vendor.js:949 at () at app (vendor.js:948) at Object. (hyper.js:124) at webpack_require (vendor.js:55) at webpackJsonpCallback (vendor.js:26) at hyper.js:1 createStore @ vendor.js:544 createStore @ vendor.js:544 (anonymous) @ vendor.js:916 (anonymous) @ vendor.js:949 app @ vendor.js:948 (anonymous) @ hyper.js:124 webpack_require @ vendor.js:55 webpackJsonpCallback @ vendor.js:26 (anonymous) @ hyper.js:1

Any clue on a fix? hyperappscreenshot2

Joseppi83 commented 6 years ago

Some other guys on hyperapp's github say that it's due to the big changes in hyperapp's API.

baltz1 commented 6 years ago

@Joseppi83 did you end up finding a work around solution?

Joseppi83 commented 6 years ago

@baltz1 It has to do with the big changes in hyperapp's API after he posted that project. I skipped it for now. I'll probably just complete the project in vanilla JS and follow along with the video the best I can. Definitely want to put that one in my portfolio, too.

The job openings around here aren't really looking for hyperapp experience, so I'm not stuck on getting the hyperapp experience. Just want to get to a point where I know JS like the back of my hand. Learning all those frameworks and libraries will be a piece of cake at that point, as long as the documentation is written comprehensively and coherently.

baltz1 commented 6 years ago

@Joseppi83 it is a really good project i was going to add more features to it but cant due to this bug hopefully there is a work around to this, because i looked into my vender.js and cant understand the function on line 554.

Joseppi83 commented 6 years ago

@baltz1 Yeah, I hear ya, man. I spent about 6 hours total trying to debug my errors. Honestly, I should have just said, "F it," and barreled ahead with HTML, CSS, and vanilla JS right then and there. Good luck if you continue to try to debug it! You've always got the bare-bones approach to knock it out.

Joseppi83 commented 6 years ago

@baltz1 This issue really just boils down to you and I not having enough experience in JavaScript to figure it out. What we need to do is read the hyperapp documentation, look at how the components are set-up by default, and make the changes necessary to green light the process.

When I finish these other projects and come back to this one, I'm not even going to run the hyperapp-starterkit. I'm going to give his newest starter kit a shot. Add hyperapp to it, take the time to read the hyperapp docs, and go from there. If that doesn't work, it's vanilla JS all the way.

I'll probably get back to this project in 1-2 weeks. Just depends on how busy I am for work.

It'd be a better learning experience if we figured this thing out, without reaching out to Joe and saying, "Help me, help me..."

Joseppi83 commented 6 years ago

@baltz1 He fixed them shits, man. D-load the new hyperapp starter kit and skip right to the part where he's laying out the project.

alanperez commented 6 years ago

@Joseppi83 I'm still getting errors in the console and it still shows a blank page. I downloaded the hyperapp starter kit that was updated on jun 4th.. have you found a work around?