codingteam / Keter

A roguelike game in the SCP setting.
MIT License
14 stars 5 forks source link

Augmentations mechanic #77

Open ForNeVeR opened 7 years ago

ForNeVeR commented 7 years ago

It hasn't been stated in the game design docs anywhere, but I'll file this as an issue because I think that's cool.

I want to add the following mechanic to be added to the game: Augmentations.

That means that every equipment item (and maybe some triggered abilities) should require some capabilities from the user, and a capability list could be extended with some other equipment pieces.

For example, some handgun should have a requirement of hand capability. And that capability could be added not only by character himself (e.g. his natural hands), but also by some manipulators, grown / magical tentacles etc.

Or probably some magic item could have a soul requirement, and some undead/soulless character couldn't use it without possession of some soul gem of sorts.

We currently have some foundations of this system implemented, but first of all we'll need to establish a somewhat finished game design, and then implement it.