codingteam / naggum

.NET-based lisp for a more civilized age
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Migrate to DLR #16

Open ForNeVeR opened 10 years ago

ForNeVeR commented 10 years ago

We should integrate the DLR support into our project.

Our attempt to make a statically typed LISP was doomed to failure from the very beginning.

Our LISP dialect should be a dynamically typed but should try to benefit from the compile-time (and runtime) type knowledge when possible (I hope the DLR will help us with that).

hagane commented 10 years ago

Well, I personally blame naive backend implementation. But yes, staticity, especially trying to infer function signature from it's usage did played a major part, so a major rethinking and redesign is in order. Though, I'm in favor of scrapping the source entirely and starting from scratch.

ForNeVeR commented 10 years ago

Though, I'm in favor of scrapping the source entirely and starting from scratch.


Currently I'm reading about the DLR and what it can offer for us, and after that I'll try to summarize and make a plan for our next steps.

hagane commented 10 years ago

So, looks like everyone is in favor. I'll go purge some source then.