codio / boxparts

Simple package manager
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change environment settings #226

Open 22kaj22 opened 9 years ago

22kaj22 commented 9 years ago

am creating fwtools(gdal) box part to import the gdal library for python.

all looking good so far, but cannot seem to add to PATH variable and create PYTHONPATH variable.

have updated required_env as show below.

suggestions would be most appreciated!

Thanks, KJ


22kaj22 commented 9 years ago

for completeness - this code doesn't seem to have any effect on PATH nor create PYTHONPATH

ksimuk commented 9 years ago

did you restarted your session? or run . ~/.bash_profile ?

ksimuk commented 9 years ago

also please remove GOPATH and GOROOT from your package file, this variable are related to go-lang

22kaj22 commented 9 years ago

yes, religiously uninstall package and restart box after every change, then reinstall package.

made the changes you suggested (see below) and now back to how I had them last night, still no joy... have uploaded the latest version to my repo.

thanks and do keep your suggestions coming!


22kaj22 commented 9 years ago

apologies - never meant to close this...

have now change required_env to match that of the pip package, but still does not work (code below), however the same commands from the terminal do have the desired effect (see below) - help much appreciated!



ksimuk commented 9 years ago

ok. send a PR with you package I will take a look