codler / Battery-Time-Remaining

Show battery time remaining in Mac OS X 10.8+ Mountain Lion and Mavericks
412 stars 72 forks source link

Code Review #41

Closed osigge closed 12 years ago

osigge commented 12 years ago


I reviewed the app and refactored many things. I also made some improvements like status update when statusbaritem is highlighted, option + click on statusbaritem for temporary advanced mode and many others. I also integrated Sparkle update framework. You have to remove it from App Store build. Please see Sparkle documentation how to make automatic updates work on your github space. Maybe all you need to do is to change the username in info.plist and appcast.xml and sign the updates with your own dsa key. Since I haven't bought Mac Dev Program I wasn't able to prepare and test MAS distribution.

codler commented 12 years ago

Thank you, but this is way too big changes and will cause it harder (or more time consuming) for me to maintain and also there is some misdirection.You are heading to wrong direction with the project. I can see you have made some good and bad stuffs in the commit. etc. too big. sry.

osigge commented 12 years ago

Hi, no problem, I will release it in my fork, then. But you should rethink if it is really good practice to have everything in the AppDelegate.