codler / Battery-Time-Remaining

Show battery time remaining in Mac OS X 10.8+ Mountain Lion and Mavericks
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Notifications not working correctly on V2.0 #93

Open yonygg opened 9 years ago

yonygg commented 9 years ago

I just downloaded version 2.0 through the app store and I had set it up to give me notification every 20% of battery, but it doesn't work. I mostly get the notifications "on the way up", meaning while charging the battery (sometimes they also are missing, for example I have never received a 40% notification even though it's marked), and I don't remember ever getting any notification "on the way down", meaning while the battery is discharging.

codler commented 9 years ago

Wierd, have you tried disable and then re-enable? What mac are you using?

yonygg commented 9 years ago

Yes I tried disable and re-enable. I'm using a Late 2013 Macbook Pro 13" Retina.

notDavid commented 9 years ago

Could this be because the macbook goes in standby? I have noticed the following "problem":

  1. macbook power = 21%
  2. I shortly walk away and the macbook automatically goes to sleep
  3. I return and the macbook wakes up at 19%

Now, you won't see a "20% notification". So if i'm working and not paying attention to the battery, i missed it and get only the warning at for example 5% again.

codler commented 9 years ago

Spot on @DavidStaron !

Note for myself when fixing: Change if-statement on row 329 and 377 in AppDelegate.m