codler / react-ga4

React Google Analytics 4
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Documentation update for React GA modalview or add functionality that encapsulate it #41

Open devchuksemeka opened 1 year ago

devchuksemeka commented 1 year ago

React GA has a modalview, and according to documentation, it's basically just an abstraction on pageview here - Is it possible to update the documentation for react-ga4 on this?

I had to go digging into the ReactGA.modalview() function here and it's just creating path = /modal/{passedModalName}.

A document to either let the user know that this should be done if they are migrating a usage of modalview or create a function that abstracte this for the user. I don't mind raising an PR for either that makes sense

Using the abstraction function, adding a new hitType="modalview" maybe

ReactGA4_gaCommandSend() reference`