codota / tabnine-atom

:atom: Atom client for Tabnine - Code Faster with the All-Language AI Assistant for Code Completion, autocomplete JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, PHP, Go, Java, node.js, Ruby, C/C++, HTML/CSS, C#, Rust, SQL, Bash, Kotlin, React, Swift, Scala, Sass, Perl, Objective C, Node JS, Matlab, Haskell, Dart, Angular.
MIT License
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Provide away to set order of auto-completes to my preference #59

Open lacostenycoder opened 2 years ago

lacostenycoder commented 2 years ago

please complete the following information:

Issue Details: How to I tell my editor to prefer my shortcut over TabNine's decision ? Simple example until recently I would type pry and tab would auto-complete to binding.pry. Recently it now shows 2 other TabNine results before pry see screenshot below Screenshot from 2021-10-26 15-33-46


lacostenycoder commented 2 years ago

This is so bad I've had to disable Tabnine until this is fixed. This should NOT be a paid pro account enhancement but a core feature. At least the AI should become aware of how often I use something and make that the 1st result. And by use, I mean chose something over it's 1st result in auto-correct. This might auto-heal the problem. But at least allow some kind of preference.

ybregey commented 2 years ago

any updates on this?