codota / tabnine-nvim

Tabnine Client for Neovim
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Constant "attempt to concatenate a nil value error" #77

Open vendion opened 1 year ago

vendion commented 1 year ago

With the latest version of tabnine-nvim I get the following error message whenever I open Neovim:

Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: ...ocal/share/nvim/lazy/tabnine-nvim/lua/tabnine/binary.lua:49: attempt to concatenate a nil value
stack traceback:
        ...ocal/share/nvim/lazy/tabnine-nvim/lua/tabnine/binary.lua:49: in function 'binary_path'
        ...ocal/share/nvim/lazy/tabnine-nvim/lua/tabnine/binary.lua:65: in function 'start'
        ...ocal/share/nvim/lazy/tabnine-nvim/lua/tabnine/binary.lua:114: in function 'request'
        ...ocal/share/nvim/lazy/tabnine-nvim/lua/tabnine/status.lua:19: in function 'cb'
        vim/_editor.lua:263: in function <vim/_editor.lua:262>

Worse is whenever I dismiss this error it comes back up a few seconds later.

aarondill commented 1 year ago

please try running

cd ~/.local/share/nvim/lazy/tabnine-nvim

If that doesn't fix the problem, could you share more information about your machine?

aarondill commented 1 year ago

If you try this command, it should output what neovim thinks your system details are.

$ nvim --headless '+lua =vim.inspect(vim.loop.os_uname())' '+qa'
aarondill commented 1 year ago

Inspecting the code, it seems that the arch_and_platform function is the only thing on this line that could return a nil value. I wonder if @vendion is using an unsupported combo (like arm64 linux) or a unix distribution such as freebsd (also unsupported).

vendion commented 1 year ago

Yes, in this case I'm running FreeBSD, but that doesn't justify spamming me with the above error to the point that neovim is unusable. Instead of constantly throwing this error, if the plugin detects the platform is unsupported then it should stop trying to load or error silently rather than having me hit <Enter> multiple times a second.

vendion commented 1 year ago

Now to be fair, FreeBSD does has the ability to run Linux binaries, so it is possible the amd64 Linux binary could work (similar to using wine to run Windows programs on Unix-like OS) but that is a different matter.

My use case isn't that uncommon, as I share all my configs across all my machines via a VCS repo ( which includes FreeBSD machines (amd64) and Linux (amd64, aarch64).

aarondill commented 1 year ago

To be clear, I'm not saying this is intended behavior, I was simply hypothesizing about the cause of the issue

aarondill commented 1 year ago

I wonder if just returning an empty string would even cause any issues...

something like this:

if os_uname.sysname == "Linux" and os_uname.machine == "x86_64" then
   return "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl"
   -- ...
   return ""

the binary would not be found, causing the uv.spawn to return nil, and I think there's enough checks to ensure that doesn't throw an error?

Though in the long term, detecting unsupported configurations is a much better idea.

hryacosta commented 4 months ago

same problem

aarondill commented 4 months ago

we were trying to resolve this at #82, but it seemed to stagnate when @amirbilu got busy. i'd appreciate more eyes on that code, or else another (replacement) PR with whatever Amir has in mind

RedFlame2112 commented 4 months ago

I had this exact problem while on an ARM linux machine (asahi fedora to be precise).

The fix I made was more or less following the conversation thread here. I narrowed the nil value output down to the case statements in arch_and_platform(), which did not account for the aarch64 linux platform. This is the change I ended up making in binary.lua:

local function arch_and_platform()
    local os_uname = uv.os_uname()

    if os_uname.sysname == "Linux" and os_uname.machine == "x86_64" then
        return "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl"
    -- REDFLAME2112: Added this line to help support aarch64 linux...
    elseif os_uname.sysname == "Linux" and os_uname.machine == "aarch64" then 
        return "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu"
    elseif os_uname.sysname == "Darwin" and os_uname.machine == "arm64" then
        return "aarch64-apple-darwin"
    elseif os_uname.sysname == "Darwin" then
        return "x86_64-apple-darwin"
    elseif os_uname.sysname == "Windows_NT" and os_uname.machine == "x86_64" then
        return "x86_64-pc-windows-gnu"
    elseif os_uname.sysname == "Windows_NT" then
        return "i686-pc-windows-gnu"


amirbilu commented 1 week ago

Tabnine now offers arm64 support.. is there anyone here who will be willing to test it?

vendion commented 1 week ago

Yes, I would be interested in trying it.

amirbilu commented 1 week ago

@vendion I'm unable to test it atm as I don't have an access to an arm machime, can you please test this? Please make sure to run first.

Appreciate your feedback!

amirbilu commented 1 week ago

Merging this for now.. let me know if you have any issue