codota / tabnine-sublime

Tabnine Autocomplete AI: JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, PHP, C/C++, HTML/CSS, Go, Java, Ruby, C#, Rust, SQL, Bash, Kotlin, Julia, Lua, OCaml, Perl, Haskell, React
MIT License
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Uninstalling TabNine #43

Open breck7 opened 4 years ago

breck7 commented 4 years ago

I love TabNine, unfortunately it often causes unbearable CPU spikes and gets my fan running hot, and customer service has not responded to messages in months, even for paying customers. The ability to quickly turn it on/off is essential. The current TabNine::config does not have that.

I just uninstalled the package, and yet TabNine still lingers on my machine. Would like complete uninstall instructions please.

I can no longer recommend TabNine until we have some communication from the creators.

MalteMagnussen commented 4 years ago

Having same issue currently. Ate almost all my CPU and I can't properly uninstall it. Tried npm uninstall tabnine. Still on my machine as a process when Visual Studio Code is open.

How do I get rid of it fully?

It was amazing for code completion, but not worth my laptop burning up and fans going full speed.

drorweiss commented 4 years ago

Hi @MalteMagnussen @breck7 did you uninstall the TabNine extension from Visual Studio Code? You can do TabNine::config and then it shows the executable path - on macos it might look like this - /Users/username/.vscode/extensions/tabnine.tabnine-vscode-2.2.2/binaries/2.3.5/x86_64-apple-darwin/TabNine

Having said that, I wanted to update that we have a fix in beta (version 2.3.4) for excessive CPU and memory consumption by TabNine. We'd appreciate it if you try it out and let us know if it solves the issue for you. To try the fix, you have to enable the beta version. Just open TabNine's config by typing TabNine::config in your editor, and then check both Update TabNine automatically and Receive beta releases of TabNine Then, restart your editor, and press TabNine::confiig to verify you have TabNine 2.3.4. or newer. Please let us know if this version solves the problem for you. We plan to make it available to all users in a couple of weeks.

MalteMagnussen commented 4 years ago

@drorweiss Thanks for getting back to us. I now have version 2.3.5. I'll see tomorrow if this fixed my issue.

Demasso commented 4 years ago

Uninstalled Tabnine (because my original code completion for CFML works better for me) however:

  1. Tabnine runs a webserver on localhost:5555, and I wonder why that's still up & running after uninstallation.
  2. After uninstalling Tabnine none of my previous code completion work anymore. It's as if Tabnine removed all other code completion and now my ide (sublimeText) is basically broken.
amircodota commented 4 years ago


  1. Can you check if you still have a TabNine process running? If you exit sublime completely, the TabNine process should exit, and never run again, because the plugin is now removed.
  2. TabNine sets "auto_complete": false in sublime's settings. You can set it back to true now that you've uninstalled tabnine.

Both these things result from not correctly handling uninstallation of the plugin. I've marked this issue as a bug, so that we have a record of it and can fix it.

Marking it as "Help Wanted", so if someone from the community want to implement and send a PR - they are more than welcome.

Demasso commented 4 years ago

Hello, thank you for your quick feedback @amircodota .

  1. After restarting Sublime the interface stopped running at localhost:5555.
  2. I reverted my whole Sublime installation to a backup from yesterday, but afterwards I figured the autoComplete flag must've been set to false ^_^' thanks for now confirming this.

TabNine might be a great tool for some programming languages but for the time being it's in my opinion not suitable for ColdFusion since the CFML package by @pfreitag / @jcberquist already has great code hinting (including custom methods, reference and everything else)

amircodota commented 4 years ago

@Demasso Thank you for that feedback. We are constantly improving TabNine, so feel welcome to check back from time to time - you might be surprised ;-)

wiki-atlas commented 4 years ago

Absolute disaster,

I have no clue how to uninstall tabnine on sublime... nice ad videos, really bad experience!

diallobakary4 commented 3 years ago

bnine (because my original code completion f

Please do you have an idea if TabNine is still running on that server ( localhost:5555)?

saveman71 commented 3 years ago

This is still true as of September, and I just wanted to try it out after seeing an ad on Twitter. After uninstalling (laggy), it broke the built in autocomplete (by not reverting "auto_complete": false as specified above).

However, you have to google for it for a few minutes, and debug yourself, very frustrating and bad UX.

If you are able to open a web survey on my browser to ask why I uninstall, you should be able to clean up setting changes you made.

MalteMagnussen commented 3 years ago

@drorweiss - I completely forgot about this. Just wanted to say that it did indeed fix my issue with the new update. No more insane CPU consumption.

avichay77 commented 3 years ago

related to the autocomplete issue: we've just rolled out an experimental version that improved the autocomplete mechanism. If you want to get an early try please contact

HackaTunes commented 3 years ago

Uninstalled Tabnine (because my original code completion for CFML works better for me) however:

  1. Tabnine runs a webserver on localhost:5555, and I wonder why that's still up & running after uninstallation.
  2. After uninstalling Tabnine none of my previous code completion work anymore. It's as if Tabnine removed all other code completion and now my ide (sublimeText) is basically broken.

This happens to me as well, Sublime stopped working, and no matter how many different extensions I try, none of 'em works

rwollgar commented 3 years ago

Wow, this is like some of those programs that keep reinstalling themself's. Been trying to kill it for the last 30 minutes and no matter what I do it reinstalls itself. I am really regretting installing this. I'll make sure everyone where I work knows about this and stays away from this.

Kikasuru commented 3 years ago

Disabling, restarting my computer, then uninstalling worked for me on Atom, maybe it could help for everyone else too?

This still should be fixed regardless.

Molder72 commented 2 years ago

Rider 2022.1.2

in Rider have finaly uninstalled, in Visual Studio the splash screen not have option, maybe from the installation of visual studio you can uninstall plugins? not sure, never tried. the point is that I was correctly uninstalled only when Rider was not using it, and had not yet launched it, because it is not yet in run.