codrops / Elastislide

Elastislide is a responsive image carousel that will adapt fluidly in a layout. It is a jQuery plugin that can be laid out horizontally or vertically with a pre-defined minimum number of shown images
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It doesn't work with requirejs #37

Open arimourao opened 9 years ago

arimourao commented 9 years ago

I already made a shim config specifying the dependencies for jquery and jquery++ but still doesn't work

requirejs.config({ paths: { jquery: 'libs/jquery', jquerymobile: 'libs/jquery-mobile/', underscore: 'libs/underscore', jquerypp: 'libs/jquerypp', elastislide: '../js/elastislide', app: '../js/app', model: '../js/app/model', view: '../js/app/view', controller: '../js/app/controller',

    shim: {
        'elastislide': {
            deps: ['jquery', 'jquerypp']
