codrops / ThumbnailGridExpandingPreview

A tutorial on how to create a thumbnail grid with an expanding image preview similar to the effect seen on Google Images.
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Compatibility with Foundation 5 #21

Open justinwilson opened 9 years ago

justinwilson commented 9 years ago

I'd like to implement the "THUMBNAIL GRID WITH EXPANDING PREVIEW" into my website. I'm using Foundation 5, which is already using a grid system. I haven't delved into the code much, but how would I implement this into the project? Would there be any conflicts? Someone mentioned there might be for Foundation 4 in the article comments, but I wanted to ask you guys directly if there's an easy way to set this up. Would I replace the grid css and classes with Foundation's or are there some references to it in the scripts? I'm hoping to get this launched soon, and this is the PERFECT minimal way to present a portfolio, in my opinion. Any help is MUCH appreciated!

lukebranch commented 9 years ago


also interested in this for Bootstrap, although I think it should work.

I am currently building a module for a CMS platform that I hope to integrate the ThumbnailGridExpandingPreview into so knowing if it is technically bootstrap-compatible or foundation-compatible would be useful before spending too much time developing the module with this functionality.

With that being said, props for making this open-source and available to integrate into website projects, the functionality is awesome and it is a perfect building block for a product catalog or photo gallery.