cody-giroux / MiddleGround-305Proj

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A/B Test 1 - Location Radius #26

Open cody-giroux opened 3 months ago

cody-giroux commented 3 months ago

AB Test Name: Location Radius User Story Number: 4 Metric (from the HEART grid): Engagement

Hypothesis: We hypothesize that by allowing users to configure the radius of locations around a midpoint to be either around 1 mile or a user-defined radius, we can increase user engagement with the location-based features of our app. The problem we aim to solve is that users may be limited by fixed location radius settings, leading to disengagement if the radius does not align with their preferences or needs. This limitation could hinder their exploration of nearby locations, potentially impacting their overall engagement with the app.

Experiment: We will conduct this A/B test using Firebase capabilities by segmenting users into two groups: Group A will have the default location radius set to approximately 1 mile, while Group B will have the option to define their preferred radius. We will allocate 50% of our user base to each group to ensure a fair comparison. We will utilize Firebase Analytics to track user interactions with location-based features, focusing on metrics such as the number of searches conducted within the designated radius, the frequency of location updates, and the time spent exploring nearby locations.


Variation A (Control Group): Users in this group will have the default location radius set to approximately 1 mile from the midpoint. Variation B (Experimental Group): Users in this group will be able to define their preferred radius for locations around the midpoint, providing them with more flexibility and control over their location-based experience. We will create mockups and designs illustrating the interface for defining the location radius in Variation B, ensuring clarity and ease of use for the users. Additionally, we will provide tooltips or onboarding messages to guide users on how to utilize this new feature effectively.