cody-giroux / MiddleGround-305Proj

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U9 Configurable Radius #37

Open cody-giroux opened 1 month ago

cody-giroux commented 1 month ago

AS A user, I WANT TO customize the search radius around a set coordinate to find nearby locations, SO THAT I can adjust the search range based on my preferences and needs.

SCENARIO: User configures the search radius GIVEN the user is accessing the application's location search feature WHEN they enter a specific coordinate and adjust the radius parameter THEN they can customize the search radius to narrow down or broaden the search area WITHIN a few clicks AND they receive search results within the configured radius. ○ Observation: there was a 50-50 split out of the 4 responses as to whether or not a 3km search radius was appropriate for nearby places

○ Possible Reason: Somewhat awkward question but is necessary. In order to mitigate why not keep the default at 3km and let the user set the radius of the nearby places to search accordingly? As it is just simply changing a query value in the api call