codyswanner / Meme-Cataloger

Learning ReactJS and Django while building something that I want to use
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Tag updates #58

Closed codyswanner closed 3 months ago

codyswanner commented 3 months ago

Some major updates to how Tags look and work! Tags on images now use the MUI "Chip" component, and are no longer buttons. Instead, the Autocomplete component in the AddTagPopper (opened by the + button on an image) handles adding and removing tags (and should soon handle creation of new tags as well). Very exciting changes!

Closes #4 Closes #39

codyswanner commented 3 months ago

Currently testing this, since it's a lot of changes. Once I've tested it all out (and assuming it all works fine), this can be merged to main.

(On that note... when is automated testing happening? Is that next? Not next. Soon? Soon. Got a few more minor and ideally quick to resolve issues I want to address first, like #35, #40, #57.)

codyswanner commented 3 months ago

Found a bug already! Excess tags overflow off the side of the picture. Ideally, it'd be nice to implement a "Tag1, Tag2, +4" kind of feature. Is that in scope for this pull request before merging? Issue #59 has been created to track this.

bug! TagOverflow