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xesmf: install not working #22

Open ccarouge opened 3 years ago

ccarouge commented 3 years ago

We tried adding xesmf to the analysis3 environment without success.

xesmf installs correctly in its own environment.

Adding xesmf to environment.yaml installs the package but then esmf isn't installed with MPI which doesn't work with xesmf.

We tried repackaging ESMPy to point to the ESMF installation on Gadi. See conda-skeletons for the details in meta.yaml. There is first an incompatibility with krb5 (need version 1.17.*) but then there is an incompatibility with hdf5 (esmf-nuWRF uses 1.8, analysis3 has 1.10). This would require installing esmf again with hdf 1.10.

ccarouge commented 3 years ago

xesmf installed in its own environment in the following way works: conda create -n xesmf_test -c conda-forge dask netCDF4 xesmf

aidanheerdegen commented 3 years ago

The latest central install of esmf is linked to hdf5-1.10.5

$ ldd /apps/esmf/8.0.1/bin/ESMF_RegridWeightGen | grep -i hdf => /apps/hdf4/4.2.14/lib/ (0x000014ed978da000) => /apps/hdf4/4.2.14/lib/ (0x000014ed97628000) => /apps/hdf5/1.10.5/lib/ (0x000014ed96d55000) => /apps/hdf5/1.10.5/lib/ (0x000014ed96787000)
aidanheerdegen commented 3 years ago

esmf/8.0.1 isn’t installed on VDI.

[aph502@vdi-n13 ~]$ ls /apps/esmf/8.0.1/lib/
ls: cannot access /apps/esmf/8.0.1/lib/ No such file or directory

So the xesmf package errors out

/g/data3/hh5/public/apps/miniconda3/envs/analysis3-20.07/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ESMF/interface/ in <module>
     34 #       of the routines that require an ESMF build with these dependencies
---> 36 with open(esmfmk, 'r') as MKFILE:
     38     # investigate
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/apps/esmf/8.0.1/lib/'