coenjacobs / mozart

Developers tool for WordPress plugins: Wraps all your projects dependencies in your own namespace, in order to prevent conflicts with other plugins loading the same dependencies in different versions.
MIT License
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Brain-WP/Cortex incompatibility: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function Brain\did_action() #14

Open wujekbogdan opened 5 years ago

wujekbogdan commented 5 years ago

After running "vendor/bin/mozart" compose I'm getting the following error:

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function Brain\did_action() in /Users/my_user_name/htdocs/wordpress/wp-content/themes/my-tmene-name/vendor/brain/cortex/src/Cortex.php:55

My package.json

  // ...
  "require": {
    "composer/installers": "~1.0",
    "timber/timber": "^1.5",
    "abraham/twitteroauth": "^0.7.4",
    "defuse/php-encryption": "^2.1",
    "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.3",
    "brain/cortex": "~1.0.0@dev",
    "symfony/var-dumper": "^4.2.0",
    "monolog/monolog": "^1.24.0",
    "google/cloud-firestore": "^1.0.0"
  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "Sw\\": "lib/Sw/",
      "Vendor\\": "build/"
    "files": [
     // some files
  "require-dev": {
    "coenjacobs/mozart": "^0.3.0"
  "extra": {
    "mozart": {
      "dep_namespace": "Vendor\\",
      "dep_directory": "/build/",
      "classmap_directory": "/classes/dependencies/",
      "classmap_prefix": "SW_",
      "packages": [
  "scripts": {
    "post-install-cmd": [
      "\"vendor/bin/mozart\" compose",
      "composer dump-autoload"
    "post-update-cmd": [
      "\"vendor/bin/mozart\" compose",
      "composer dump-autoload"
coenjacobs commented 5 years ago

Based on just this error, the error is within the package brain/cortex that you're requiring. It seems that you are trying to call a function within a namespace, while in reality you probably need the global did_action() function. Please share the lines of code that the error is referring to, but I'm afraid that's the case and therefore not a Mozart issue.

wujekbogdan commented 5 years ago

@coenjacobs I'm not calling the did_action() function, the library calls this function internally: see Cortex/Cortex.php#L55

ChristophWurst commented 4 years ago


I'm currently fighting with rubix/ml and Mozart. I think I've run into the same issue, therefore I created a composer project from scratch to demonstrate the issue in isolation.

The function is imported at As you can see here, there the original function got namespaced for the import.

The definition, however, has the original namespace:

Hope this makes it easier to debug :v: