cofacts / rumors-api

GraphQL API server for clients like rumors-site and rumors-line-bot
MIT License
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Need CreateCategory API ? #158

Open godgunman opened 4 years ago

godgunman commented 4 years ago

Do we need a category creation API? I thought we only allow users to add existing categories to articles for now.

Since we got some feedbacks from Flow, and we already added the ~4 additional categories. So I think we can have that API, and only use by team or AI model ?

MrOrz commented 4 years ago

I have one thing to add: Should we allow website users inputting aiModel and aiConfidence in CreateArticleCategory?

I think in the resolver we should restrict the appId that can provide aiModel and aiConfidence.

We can have all our AIs under the same appId and give different userId to different AI models. The userId / appId is designed so that each different "app" can manage their own userId.

When AI scripts invoke CreateArticleCategory it will send secret key to API server, which API server recognizes in checkSecret and sets corresponding appId for resolvers to use. This is exactly how rumors-line-bot communicates with rumors-api, we can re-use the mechanism to achieve server-to-server communication between our API and the AIs.

MrOrz commented 4 years ago

3/18 結論

  1. CreateCategory: 蓋一個新的 util function 決定一個人是不是 admin (另外有個檔案?),非 admin 的人呼叫的話就 error
  2. CreateArticleCategorycheckSecret 認出新的 shared secret 並且設定 graphql context 的 appId。 不同 AI model 可以使用不同 query.userId,或使用不同 aiModel 欄位。