Closed MrOrz closed 4 years ago
English wording has been revised. Kudos to Jack for revisiting these words!
「模擬傳訊息」displayText max 300 characters
To wrap up, please finish your permission settings so that I can provide a smoother experience. 現在請你設定「如果你之後問的問題被查證了要回傳給你」,這需要經過你的同意喔!
Why setup permission?” --> 為什麼要同意呢?這要設定什麼?
When I provide hoax-busting replies to you, I would like to ask you for any feedback on the crowd-sourced reply. In order to achieve that, I need to ask for your permission to "send your message to our chatroom". The permission will be used to send only this one message of yours back to this particular chatroom. You can still use Cofacts without granting me this permission. When we ask for feedback from you, the permission dialog will pop-up again.
當我把查到的闢謠回給你的時候,我會請你一起確認「這個機器人沒有答非所問」,有你的幫助與按讚👍確認,能讓我學習很多、查得更好。 不過我是個很有禮貌的機器人,我會徵求你的同意讓我傳訊息告訴你:「你剛剛問我的訊息,真的假的聊天機器人 查到了,答案是什麼」。 這個設定可以讓我在幫你查到新訊息的時候告訴你「剛剛你傳的訊息是真的還是假的。」 如果你選擇關閉這個設定,你還是可以問機器人那些別人有問過、或我已經幫別人查過的舊訊息。
如果之後 真的假的 機器人需要請求你的幫忙,再來問你喔!
This is the end of the tutorial. Next time when you receive a suspicious message, don't hesitate to forward it to me! 🤗 耶咿~教學結束囉!! 下次收到可疑的訊息時,就轉傳分享給我幫你查吧!😊
In order to achieve that, I need to ask for your permission to "send your message to our chatroom". The permission will be used to send only this one message of yours back to this particular chatroom.
這兩句其實是在講 #174 的「傳送訊息至聊天室」權限。
LINE UI 使用的英文是 "Send messages to chats",而中文是「傳送訊息至聊天室」,這個部分的說明,英文與中文應該都要跟 LINE 的 UI 一致。
This is the end of the tutorial. Next time when you receive a suspicious message, don't hesitate to forward it to me! 🤗 耶咿~教學結束囉!! 下次收到可疑的訊息時,就轉傳分享給我幫你查吧!😊
To wrap up, please finish your permission settings so that I can provide a smoother experience. 現在請你完成設定,讓機器人的事實查核順利進行喔!
Why setup permission?” --> 為什麼要同意呢?這要設定什麼?
When I provide hoax-busting replies to you, I would like to ask you for any feedback on the crowd-sourced reply. In order to achieve that, I need to ask for your permission to "send your message to our chatroom". The permission will be used to send only this one message of yours back to this particular chatroom. You can still use Cofacts without granting me this permission. When we ask for feedback from you, the permission dialog will pop-up again.
當我把查到的闢謠回給你的時候,我會需要跟你對話確認才不會誤會你的意思,所以請幫我選擇許可「傳送訊息至聊天室」 。 一樣只會在 真的假的 的好友帳號裡面,讓你可以查新的謠言。
Related discussion:
1. Welcome
Flex message carousel:
2. Show mock reply
(Reply content without voting)
3. Provide setup
"Cool, I got it!" -->
"What happened?" -->
3.5 Explaination
“❓ Why setup permission?” -->
4. Thank-you
"⏱️ Later" -->