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[exam][speaking test]2022-16 #11

Open coffee-qm opened 4 months ago

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago


Exam 2022-16

Part 1 (45 + 45)

Text 1

Attention, passengers. This is your conductor speaking. Our train for Athens is delayed momentarily due to a signaling problem. Please do not be alarmed as we expect the problem to clear up shortly. It may be due to the sudden hail, congestion at the previous station, or a simple human error. We will resume when the signal clears.

Text 2

Thank you for calling Westwood Cable Services. All of our representatives are currently busy assisiting other customers. Please stay on the line. You may also press one to request a home visit, press two to leave comments about your recent experience, or press star for assistance in Spanish.

Part 2 (30 + 30)

Picture 1

This is the picture taken at a reception desk. There are three people in this picture. All of them are wearing formal clothes. On the left, there is a woman with blond hair. She is wearing headphones while sitting at the information desk. It looks like she is a receptionist. Standing across from her, there are two men in business suits. They are looking at the woman. One of them is making a gesture. Probably he is asking the woman something. The other man is smiling while putting his hand on the counter.

Picture 2

This is the picture taken at a meeting room. There are many people in this picture. In the middle, there are many people sitting around a table. Some of them are looking at the screen hung on the wall. There are some other people on the screen. They are making gestures while talking something. It seems that they are having a conference call. On the table, I can see many glasses of water and some documents. On the right corner, there is a green plant.

Part 3 (15 + 15 + 30)

Topic: Casual clothes

Imagine that a marketing firm is conducting a survey in your country. You have agreed to join a telephone interview regarding casual clothes.

Q: When was the last time you bought casual clothes, and what did you purchase? A: The last time I bought casual clothes was last month. I bought a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. I went to the clothing store with my friend.

Q: That sounds nice. Do you have any plan to buy new casual clothes in the near future? A: Yes, I plan to purchase new casual clothes next month. I am going to go picnic with my family, so I want to get some new outfits to take beautiful pictures with my parents.

Q: Do you like to buy casual clothes through the Internet or at a physical store? A: I prefer to purchase casual clothes online to a physical store. First of all, I can browse many styles from various brands before deciding to buy anything. I don't have to travel from place to place to see items, which makes me feel tired because of traffic jam. Also, through the websites, I can see some feedback from previous customers, which helps me choose a quality item. So, these are the reasons why I want to buy clothes through the Internet.

Part 4 (15 + 15 + 30)

Topic: xxx

Hi, my name is John Smith, and I am an attendee of Sports Equipment Marketing Seminar. Can you give me some information about this event?

Q: I'm really interested in one of Kelsey O'Connel session named Marketing to Sports Fans. When and where will it take place? A: Well, according the schedule, the meeting to Sports Fans will be held from one thirty P.M. to three P.M. on July fifteenth at Greenview Hotel.

Q: I think I will take my children with me on this occasion. Is that possible? A: It is possible if you take your kids with you because we offer day care services for children aged 10 and under during the seminar in the Diamond Room.

Q: Ray Kingsford is one of my favorite speakers in this event. Can you please give me all the details of the sessions he will lead? A: There are two sessions which Ray Kingsford will lead during this event. First, from eleven A.M. to twelve P.M., he will have a speech on Social Media Marketing. And then, from three P.M. to five P.M., he will give a presentation on Global Sporting Goods Marketing.

Part 5 (60)

Topic: Moving to a foreign nation

Q: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Moving to a foreign country brings us many advantages. Support your answer with reasons or examples. A: In my opinion, there are many benefits of moving to a foreign nation. First, while living abroad, you can learn about foreign cultures, which helps you broaden your knowledge as well as your life experiences. You can enjoy cuisine or festivals you have never seen in your country. You also have the opportunity to make friends from all over the world. Second, living overseas supports you to approach advanced technology. This also helps you take the chance to apply for well-known organizations. As a result, your life standard can improve significantly. Due to the above reasons, I think moving overseas is one of the best things we should consider to change our lives.

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago


coffee-qm commented 4 months ago


coffee-qm commented 4 months ago


conductor /kənˈdʌktə(r)/ noun.en a person who stands in front of an orchestra, a group of singers etc., and directs their performance, especially somebody who does this as a profession zh. (管弦乐队、合唱队等的)指挥 noun.en. a person who is in charge of a train and travels with it, but does not drive it zh. (公共汽车的)列车长; noun.en. a person whose job is to collect money from passengers on a bus or train or check their tickets zh. (公共汽车的)售票员;

momentarily /ˈməʊməntrəli/ adv. for a very short time zh. 立刻;马上;短促地;片刻地;

signaling /ˈsɪɡnəlɪŋ/ noun. any nonverbal action or gesture that encodes a message zh. 发信号

congestion /kənˈdʒestʃən/ noun. the state of being crowded and full of traffic zh. (交通)拥塞

representative /ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv/ noun. a person who has been chosen to speak or vote for somebody else or for a group of people, or to take the place of somebody else zh. 代表 adj. representative (of somebody/something) typical of a particular group of people; that is a typical example of something zh. 典型的

reception /rɪˈsepʃn/ noun. the area inside the entrance of a hotel, an office building, etc. where guests or visitors go first when they arrive zh. 接待处

receptionist /ˌreprɪˈzentətɪv/ noun. a person whose job is to deal with people arriving at or phoning a hotel, an office building, a doctor’s surgery, etc. zh. 接待员

seminar /ˈsemɪnɑː(r)/ noun. ​ a class at a university or college when a small group of students and a teacher discuss or study a particular topic zh. 研讨课 noun. a meeting for discussion or training zh. 研讨会

cuisine /kwɪˈziːn/ noun. a style of cooking zh. 菜肴;风味

festival /ˈfestɪvl/ noun. a series of performances of music, plays, films, etc., usually organized in the same place once a year; a series of public events connected with a particular activity or idea zh. (音乐、戏剧、电影等的)会演,节; noun. a day or period of the year when people stop working to celebrate a special event, often a religious one zh. 节日

significantly /sɪɡˈnɪfɪkəntli/ adv. in a way that is large or important enough to have an effect on something or to be noticed zh. 显著地;明显地 adv. in a way that has a particular meaning zh. 意味深长地

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago


coffee-qm commented 4 months ago
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