coffee-qm / toeic

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[exam][speaking test]part5 #22

Open coffee-qm opened 4 months ago

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago


coffee-qm commented 4 months ago

Template A

According to my personal experience,

I think the XXX is the most important for XXX. I agree with the opinion. I agree with that ... I disagree with that ...

There are several reasons.

Firstly, ... First of all, ...

In addition, ... Secondly, ...

Last but not least, ... Lastly, ...

In conclusion, I think the XXX is the most important for XXX. That's why I think so.

Template B

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago


skills: solve problems skills, communication skills, organization skills

communication skills

work hard willingness
online reading function


make choice with family


reading news from Internet


people will be healthier in the future then they are now
prohibit students from using personal electronic devices in classroom
leader, efficient communication
professional success, open minded, trust, honest

open minded

having a house/department, renting


government pay the cost of university course for students


first job, important or not


company's reputation
internship, college student

college students should look for an internship

success depends on take risk or not


whether rich people are happy or not

I don't have much money, so, to be honest, I don't know whether rich people are happy or not.

but, according to my experience,


So, I think happy is not defined by money, it is defined by ourselves, we should always look on the bright side.

work/live with humour or serious people


project, solve or ignore the gap


subsidiary in different cities


do exercise along or with friends

with friends


a gap year before xxx

advantage find a job

education background and related work experience

education background

live alone or live with parents

live alone

working for a company that had been in business for many years


have entrepreneurial experience before working in a company


happiness, current job, or location where you live


job, working in an office, or communicating with customers

communicating with customers

training new employees, alone, or with help

with help

students, management ability

management ability

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago
Communication skills

According to my personal experience, I think communication skills are the most important, for the following reasons.

First of all, being good at expression is one of the communication skills, it enable us to express our views clearly, and more easy to share our views with others. And then, being good at listening is also a communication skill, it will make others feel happy. Last but not least, efficient communication with team members, make them work efficiently.

In conclusion, I think communication skills are the most important because it's more easy to share, make others feel happy, and make team work efficiently.

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago
work hard willingness

According to my personal experience, I think work hard is more important when get new job, for the following reasons.

First of all, when get new job, there will be many new things need to learn. And then, it takes time to adjust to new jobs and new colleagues. Last by not least, work hard is always the right way to be a good employee, whatever new jobs or old jobs.

In conclusion, I think work hard is more important when get new job, because of new job, new things, new colleagues.

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago
online reading function

If I had a chance to change the library, I would add online reading function, for the following advantages.

First of all, for convinience, people can access the library at any time, and any where, when we get home after work, we could visit the library's website to read books. Secondly, for efficiency, online reading function can save our time and money on transportation to the library.

In conclusion, I would add online reading function, because of convinience, and efficiency.

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago
make choice with family

I always make choice with my family, for the following reasons.

First of all, my family especially my parents, they are experienced enough for giving me tips, help me make the right choice. And then, my family knows me the best, they know my strength and my weakness, they know if it is suitable for me. Last by not least, it want my family members know that they are needed and their opinions are valuable.

In conclusion, I always make choice with my family, because of right choice, and family harmoney.

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago
reading news from Internet

According to my personal experience, reading news from Internet have following disadvantages.

First of all, there are a lot of fake news on the Internet, it maybe give us wrong information. And then, there are many duplicate reports for a hot event, most of the reports are just copied from others, such news will waste our time

In conclusion, the disadvantage causes by fake news, duplicate reports.

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago
people will be healthier in the future then they are now

According to my personal experience, I think people will be healthier in the future, for the following reasons.

First of all, people nowadays are aware that unhealthy life styles may lead to diseases, so more and more people start to do exercise. For example, in my company, we are encouraged to do exercise every Wednesday. And then, with the huge improvement of medical technologies, scientist have invented new medicines for curing diseases. Last but not least, people begin protecting the environment, populations will be less and less.

In conclusion, I think people will be healthier in the future, because of people's awareness, technological improvement, environmental protection.

coffee-qm commented 3 months ago
prohibit students from using personal electronic devices in classroom

According to my personal experience, I think teachers should prohibit students taking electronic devices to the classroom, for the following reasons.

First of all, all the knowledge can be found in their books, electronic devices will not help with their studies. And then, there are many games in electronic devices, that may distract students' attention Last but not least, electronic devices will harm their eyes, leads to wearing glasses.

In conclusion, I think teachers should prohibit students taking electronic devices to the classroom, because of useless for studies, distract students' attention, and harmful to eyes.

coffee-qm commented 3 months ago
leader, efficient communication

According to my personal experience, I agree with this opinion, for the following reasons.

First of all, for project successful, efficient communication can deliver clear message to staffs, staffs know exactly what they will do. And then, efficient communication can improve team's working efficiency, staffs don't need to communicate one thing over and over again. Last but not least, efficient communication can save staffs' time, it will make them happy.

In conclusion, I agree with this opinion, because of project successful, working efficiency, staffs' happiness.

coffee-qm commented 3 months ago
open minded ???

According to my personal experience, I think open-mindedness is the most important, for the following reasons.

First of all, open minded leads to efficient communication, this can deliver clear message to staffs. And then, open minded keeps you updated with external information, and not left behind the world. Last but not least, open minded allows you review your previous work and prepare for the future.

In conclusion, I think open-mindedness is the most important.

coffee-qm commented 3 months ago
having a house/department, renting

According to my personal experience, I think having a house or a department has the following disadvantages.

First of all, having a house is much more expensive than renting, increase our live stress. Take Beijing as an example, a house needs several million RMB, you have to pay the loan every month. Secondly, having a house is less convenient than renting, because, house is fixed in one place, can not be changed with our work place.

In conclusion, I think having a house or a department has those disadvantages, much more expensive, but less convenient.

coffee-qm commented 3 months ago
government pay the cost of university course for students


this gives every student the equal right of being educated, there are a lot of families in the countryside who don't have the ability to afford their children's tuition fee this can reduce student debt, there are a lot of students choose to stay in the city to work instead of returning to their hometowns, because of the debt.