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[exam][speaking test]2023-02 #6

Open coffee-qm opened 4 months ago

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago


Exam 2023-02

Part 1 (45 + 45)

Text 1

Thank you for calling Madison Cinema, Bristol's favourite movie theater. This week, we are offering special discounts on popcorn, sweets, and other snacks. Please press one to hear the list of this week's movies, or press two to buy tickets in advance. If you have any other requests, press three to speak to our staff member.

Text 2

On tonight's news, we will have a report on plans for a new shopping mall in Winchester scheduled to be build over the next 6 months. The center will feature a various selection of clothing, electronics, and living items. If you want to hear more about this project, tune into tonight's broadcast at 8 P.M.

Part 2 (30 + 30)

Picture 1

This is the picture taken at a warehouse. In the middle, there is a man with a beard. He is wearing a safety helmet and vest. He is standing in front of a shelf. He is taking a box off the shelf. Maybe he is arranging items. Behind him, I can see a woman having her hair in a ponytail. She is holding a document while looking at something. It looks like she is checking inventory. In front of them, there are many boxes stacked on the shelves.

Picture 2

This is the picture taken at a food truck. There are three people in this picture. In the middle, there is a woman wearing a blue apron. She is likely a seller. She is leaning on the counter of the truck and smiling with the others. In front of her, there are two men standing across from each other. They are holding plates of food and enjoying it. It looks like three people are having a fun conversation.

Part 3 (15 + 15 + 30)

Topic: Walking

Imagine that a fitness magazine is conducting a survey to write an article. You have agreed to join a telephone interview regarding walking.

Q: How often do you walk for exercise? A: I walk for exercise on a daily basis because it helps me stay fit and reduce stress. Sometimes I walk alone and sometimes with my friends.

Q: Where would you go if you want to walk for exercise? Why? A: I would go to a park to walk for exercise because there are many trees providing shades there. It also creates a peaceful and natural environment.

Q: What are some advantages of walking for exercise, instead of choosing other forms of exercise? A: Exercise plays an important role in maintaining good health. Specifically, walking is one of the most convenient forms of exercise with many advantages. Firstly, walking is gentle, so it is suitable for all ages, from the old to the youn. In addition, it is easily accessible because there is no required equipment. Individual do not need to sign up for membership of fitness centers, which is cost-effective. In conclusion, walking for exercise is a convenient, effective, and enjoyable way to stay healthy and fit.

Part 4 (15 + 15 + 30)

Topic: Festival

I saw an advertisement regarding the Vista Annual Festival. I would like to attend this event with my family. Can you answer some questions about it?

Q: How much do the tickets cost? A: Hello, I am so glad that you are interested in this event. The admission fee is fifteen dollars for adults and eight dollars for children aged 12 years old and under.

Q: I want to participate in the cooking contest. Can I take part in without registration? A: I'm sorry, but you must register for this contest before June fifteenth.

Q: I'm really interested in the muscial concert at the festival. Can you give me details of the concerts? A: Well, there are two concerts at this event. First, at one P.M., the Clinton Youth Band will give a performance at the Main stage. Then, at four P.M., you can enjoy a show performed by Vista City Orchestra at the Waterfront stage.

Part 5 (60)

Topic: Webcam service

Q: More and more companies use webcam service to hold virtual meetings. What are the disadvantages of doing so? A: Webcam service is one of the most convenient methods to conduct virtual meetings. Besides some certain advantages, this service also brings some drawbacks to users. Firstly, technology issues such as the Internet connection or poor audio and video quality can disrupt the meetings. This will waste time of participants and decrease productivity. Moreover, when participating in online conference calls, users need to sit in front of the webcam. This makes people hard to use body languages, which easily leads to misunderstanding for complex issues. In conclusion, while webcam service is a convenient way to hold virtural meetings, people should be aware of the potential drawbacks and use it appropriately for their specific needs.

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago


coffee-qm commented 4 months ago


coffee-qm commented 4 months ago


popcorn /ˈpɒpkɔːn/ en. a type of food made from grains of maize that are heated until they explode, forming light white balls that are then covered with salt or sugar zh. 爆米花

snack /snæk/ en. a small meal or amount of food, usually eaten in a hurry zh. 小吃;零食;快餐

tune /tjuːn/ en. a series of musical notes that are sung or played in a particular order to form a piece of music zh. 调

inventory /ˈɪnvəntri/ en. a written list of all the objects, furniture, etc. in a particular building zh. 库存;清单

shelf /ʃelf/ en. a flat board, made of wood, metal, glass, etc., fixed to the wall or forming part of a cupboard, bookcase, etc., for things to be placed on zh. 架子

apron /ˈeɪprən/ en. a piece of clothing worn over the front of the body, from the chest or the waist down, and tied around the waist. Aprons are worn over other clothes to keep them clean, for example when cooking. zh. 围裙

fitness center zh. 健身中心

cost-effective /ˌkɒst ɪˈfektɪv/ en. giving the best possible profit or benefits in comparison with the money that is spent zh. 性价比高

puppet /ˈpʌpɪt/ en. a model of a person or an animal that can be made to move, for example by pulling strings attached to parts of its body or by putting your hand inside it. A puppet with strings is also called a marionette. zh. 木偶

orchestra /ˈɔːkɪstrə/ en. a large group of people who play various musical instruments together, led by a conductor zh. 乐队

admission fee zh. 入场费

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago


many boxes stacked on the shelves 架子上堆放了很多盒子

stay fit and reduce stress 保持健康并减轻压力

children aged 12 years old and under 12岁及以下的儿童

the ... Band will give a performance at the Main stage a show performed by ... Band at the Main stage

be aware of 意识到

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago
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