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[exam][speaking test]2022-19 #8

Open coffee-qm opened 7 months ago

coffee-qm commented 7 months ago


Exam 2022-19

Part 1 (45 + 45)

Text 1

The Parkland Zoo is home to over three hundred species of animals. We are especially famous for our collection of primates and large cats. If you want to see our primates, like chimpanzees, gorillas, and baboons, go to the east side. On the west side of the zoo, you'll find the large cats, such as lions and leopards.

Text 2

Attention, customers. Georgetown Mall will be closing in twenty minutes. Please make your way to the upper, lower or main exit right away. As a reminder, our hours are nine A.M. to seven P.M. Sunday through Thursday and nine A.M. to eight P.M. on Fridays and Saturdays, with the exception of bank holidays when we dont't open until ten. Have a pleasant evening.

Part 2 (30 + 30)

Picture 1

This picture is taken at a coffee shop. There are four people in this picture. They are all wearing casual clothes and sitting around a table. It looks like they are friends. On the left, there is a woman with curly hair. She is wearing a sleeveless shirt and jeans. She is holding a cup of coffee by both hands while smiling at her friend. The others are looking at her and smiling. Maybe they are talking together and look happy. In the backgound, I can see some lights hung on the ceiling and some bottles displayed on the shelves.

Picture 2

This picture is taken at a restaurant. There are three people in the picture. They all wearing formal clothes and sitting at a table. Maybe they are colleagues. On the right, there is a man with a beard. He is wearing a green suit. He is holding a fork in one hand while making a gesture. Maybe he is talking about something. Sitting across from him, one woman and another man are looking at him and listening to him. On the table, I can see some dishes of food.

Part 3 (15 + 15 + 30)

Topic: xxx

Imagine that a marketing company is conducting a research to collect opinions. You have agreed to join a telephone interview regarding advertisements.

Q: Have you ever seen advertisements before watching a movie through the Internet? A: Well, there are many promotional videos before and during the films online. They take me a few seconds to skip these videos. I find them quite annoyed.

Q: Have you bought any products after seeing those advertisements? A: Sometimes. Recently, I bought a skincare product after seeing an advertisement online. It claims that the item can improve fine lines and wrinkles, so I was persuaded to buy it.

Q: Which factor is most important to you when deciding to continue seeing an advertisement? Content, Music, Celebrities A: I believe that the most important factor to me when deciding to keep watching the advertisements is their content. It is crucial for the videos to deliver their clear messages and be relevant to my interests. I also pay attention to the quality of their content. I will find them so interesting and continue watching if they can educate or entertain me. If the videos only include famous people or beautiful music and without messages, I can feel bored.

Part 4 (15 + 15 + 30)

Topic: xxx

Hi, my name is Charlie Stone and I am calling to check on some information about the Young Entrepreneur Conference I am participanting in.

Q: When and where is the conference taking place? A: According to the schedule, the conference will be held on the July first at Hill Building. And the first session will start at 9 A.M.

Q: I want to have a lunch before attending the afternoon sessions. Are there any restaurants nearby to grab a quick lunch? A: Well, you don't have to worry about that. Lunch will served at the lobby of the building, so you can enjoy meals there.

Q: And finally, can you list me the activities we will do in the afternoon? A: Well, let me check... There are three sessions in the afternoon. First, at one thirty, Carlox Dixon will give a talk about Franchising in the twenty first century at room two-one-two. Then, at three, there is a speech on Making your Brand stand out from the Competition given by Gina Hamilton at Room one-two-four. And finally, Lance Stevens will give a speech about Using a Website to attract more customers at room one-two-four.

Part 5 (60)

Topic: Supervisor

Q: Which of the following characteristics do you believe is the most important to a good supervisor? Having a lot of experience Having a sense of humor Being encouraging A: I think being encouraging is the most important feature of a good leader. To begin with, those who are encouraging others can motivate and inspire other members. This will create a positive and productive working environment. In addition, they also give their employees constructive advice to help them develop their abilities. Let's take me as an example. I have been working as a marketing analyst for over 2 years. I am working with my team leader named John. He always observes members of the team and encourages them. Especially when they make mistakes, he usually gives feedback and tells them to try more. This can boost the spirit of the team, and we all appreciate that.

coffee-qm commented 7 months ago


coffee-qm commented 7 months ago


coffee-qm commented 7 months ago


species /ˈspiːʃiːz/ noun. a group into which animals, plants, etc. that are able to have sex with each other and produce healthy young are divided, smaller than a genus and identified by a Latin name zh. 物种

chimpanzee /ˌtʃɪmpænˈziː/ noun. a small intelligent African ape (= an animal like a large monkey without a tail) zh. 黑猩猩

gorilla /ɡəˈrɪlə/ noun. a very large powerful African ape (= an animal like a large monkey without a tail) covered with black or brown hair zh. 大猩猩

baboon /bəˈbuːn/ noun. a large African or Asian monkey with a long face like a dog’s zh. 狒狒

leopard /ˈlepəd/ noun. a large animal of the cat family, usually with yellow-brown fur with black spots. Leopards live in Africa and southern Asia. zh. 豹子

promotional /prəˈməʊʃənl/ adj. connected with advertising zh. 推广;宣传

crucial /ˈkruːʃl/ adj. extremely important, because it will affect other things zh. 决定性的

entertain /ˌentəˈteɪn/ verb. to interest somebody or make somebody laugh in order to please them zh. 给...以娱乐

entrepreneur /ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː(r)/ noun. a person who makes money by starting or running businesses, especially when this involves taking financial risks zh. 企业家

supervisor /ˈsuːpəvaɪzə(r)/ noun. a person who supervises somebody/something zh. 主管

constructive /kənˈstrʌktɪv/ adj. having a useful and helpful effect rather than being negative or with no purpose zh. 建设性的

observe /əbˈzɜːv/ verb. to see or notice somebody/something zh. 观察

boost /buːst/ verb. to make something increase, or become better or more successful zh. 激励

spirit /ˈspɪrɪt/ noun. the part of a person that includes their mind, feelings and character rather than their body noun. courage, energy or determination zh. 精神;意志;心灵;活力

coffee-qm commented 7 months ago


coffee-qm commented 7 months ago
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