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[exam][speaking test]2022-18 #9

Open coffee-qm opened 4 months ago

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago


Exam 2022-18

Part 1 (45 + 45)

Text 1

This is Rockford News. Bringing your real-time updates on this morning's traffic is Tori Markus, reporting from our helicopter. The roads are jammed as residents are making their way out of town to visit relatives for the holidays. Especially congested are Farmer Road, the Mills Intersection, and the Southwest Roundabout. If you're heading out now, please plan your itinerary with this in mind.

Text 2

Tonight on Sports Talk, our guest is Malcolm Jordan, this year's most valuable player of the professional basketball league. In his very first year with the Chicago Hawks, he led his team to its first title. Yet success is nothing new to Malcolm as he has previously won many championships at the high school, college, and professional levels. We are delighted to have him with us on the show today.

Part 2 (30 + 30)

Picture 1

The picture is taken inside a classroom. There are many people in this picture. All of them are wearing casual clothes. On the right, there is a woman and a man sitting side by side at a wooden desk. The woman in a light brown sweater is looking at the man. She is holding a pen to point at a notebook on the desk. It looks like she is instructing assignments to the other. The man in a checkerboard shirt is looking at the woman. Behind them, there are other students sitting at their tables. Some of them are doing their homework. Overall, students are working diligently in their class.

Picture 2

This picture is taken at a beach. The first thing that catches my eys is there are many people scattering along the sand. All of them are wearing swimming costumes. Some people are lying to sunbathe on the sand. Some other people are gathering to play with the sand, such as building a sand castle. Some of them are swimming. In the background on the right, there is a row of beach umbrellas. Overall, people are enjoying their time.

Part 3 (15 + 15 + 30)

Topic: Banks

Imagine that a national bank is conducting a research to write an article. You have agreed to join a telephone interview regarding banks.

Q: How long have you been using the bank that you use the most? A: I have been using my current bank for over 4 years. Its cost of services is reasonable, and its staff is so nice and friendly to me.

Q: Do you use banking online often? Why or why not? A: Actually, I use banking online so often because it is so convenient for me. I can make any transactions I need through my mobile phone without going to a physical branch.

Q: Which factor is most important to you when deciding which bank to use? Working hours Ideal location Friends' recommendations A: The most important feature that affects me when choosing a bank is its location. First, this can save my time because I don't have to travel so far away to reach a branch. My current bank has branches located near both my apartment and my office. Therefore, whenever I have any problems with my account, I can arrive at its office immediately to get support.

Part 4 (15 + 15 + 30)

Topic: Resume

Hi. Could you please provide me with some information from Laura Jane Roker's resume? I forgot to bring a copy of her resume with me to the interview.

Q: What is her current job, and what position is she looking for? A: Well, let me check her resume. Currently, she is working as an assistant manager at Plumb Marketing. And she applies for Marketing Team Manager position.

Q: We are looking for someone who can interpret current research. Is she qualified? A: Yes, I think she is suitable for that duty thanks to her educational background. She reveived a master's degree in Market Research from University of the Valley.

Q: Could you please tell me more about her work experience? A: Well, there are three items she listed under the experience part. First, she was an Administrative Assistant at Leary Media from two thousand and six (2006) to two thousand and eight (2008). Then, she worked as a Supervisor at Market Solution Phoenix for 2 years. And from two thousand and night (2009) until now, she has been working as an Assistant Manager at Plumb Marketing.

Part 5 (60)

Topic: Electronic devices

Q: Which of the following electronic devices do you believe is the best? A smartphone, An e-book reader, A laptop computer A: In my opinion, a smartphone is the best electronic device because of the following reasons. First, a smartphone is convenient for me to bring together. To be specific, it is small enough to put in my handbag or my pants pocket. Therefore, I can use it anytime I need and anywhere I go. Additionally, a smartphone provides various functioins. For example, with this device, I can make calls or receive messages from my colleagues and clients. I also surf the Internet for getting information or listen to music for entertainment. Or I can use maps to avoid getting lost. Therefore, a smartphone is the most necessary digital device.

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago


coffee-qm commented 4 months ago


coffee-qm commented 4 months ago


resident /ˈrezɪdənt/ noun. a person who lives in a particular place or who has their home there zh. 居民

relative /ˈrelətɪv/ noun. a person who is in the same family as somebody else zh. 亲戚

congested /kənˈdʒestɪd/ adj. crowded; full of traffic zh. 拥挤的

intersection /ˈɪntəsekʃn/ noun. a place where two or more roads, lines, etc. meet or cross each other zh. 交叉口

itinerary /aɪˈtɪnərəri/ noun. a plan of a journey, including the route and the places that you visit zh. 旅行计划

league /liːɡ/ noun. a group of sports teams who all play each other to earn points and find which team is best zh. 联赛;同盟

delighted /dɪˈlaɪtɪd/ adj. very pleased zh. 高兴的

diligently /ˈdɪlɪdʒəntli/ adv. ​in a way that shows care and effort in your work or duties zh. 勤勉地;勤奋地

scattering /ˈskætərɪŋ/ noun. a small amount or number of things spread over an area zh. 散开;散布;分散

costume /ˈkɒstjuːm/ noun. the clothes worn by people from a particular place or during a particular historical period zh. 服装

interpret /ɪnˈtɜːprət/ verb. to explain the meaning of something zh. 阐明;解释

coffee-qm commented 4 months ago


coffee-qm commented 4 months ago
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