coffee-tools / coffee

Reference implementation for a flexible core lightning plugin manager
9 stars 13 forks source link

fix the formatting error #260

Open vincenzopalazzo opened 2 months ago

vincenzopalazzo commented 2 months ago

Having the following workflow

➜  ~ coffee nurse --verify
│ ●   Defects                                                                   Affected repositories │
│ ●   Global repository migration completed for the networks: testnet bitcoin   _                     │
! Warning: Coffee local directory is damaged, please run `coffee nurse` to try to fix it
➜  ~ coffee remote list
Error: CoffeeError { code: 1, msg: "Coffee found some defects in the configuration. Please run `coffee nurse` to fix them.\n                    If you are want to skip the verification, please add the `--skip-verify ` flag to the command." }

The error should be printed as the warning in the previous command.