coffee-tools / coffee

Reference implementation for a flexible core lightning plugin manager
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How to uninstall coffee? #277

Closed urza closed 1 month ago

urza commented 1 month ago

There are no instructions in docs how to uninstall coffee.

Alternatively also how to disable coffee temporarily.

vincenzopalazzo commented 1 month ago

There are no instructions in docs how to uninstall coffee.

I do not think this is true

Then if you do not like the import inside the cln config you can remove the import <path to the config file> from your lightning configuration file

Let me know if this solves your problem, otherwise, feel free to reopen the issue

urza commented 1 month ago

Thanks, but I meant how do I uninstall (or disable) the whole coffee manager itself?

vincenzopalazzo commented 1 month ago

Thanks, but I meant how do I uninstall (or disable) the whole coffee manager itself?

I do not understand what you mean, but maybe with the following

Then if you do not like the import inside the cln config you can remove the import from your lightning configuration file

daywalker90 commented 1 month ago

Thanks, but I meant how do I uninstall (or disable) the whole coffee manager itself?

really depends on what you mean here. The coffee binary?

rm "$(which coffee)"

If you mean all the configs it generated that would affect your lightning node then do what @vincenzopalazzo wrote and remove the config line.

urza commented 1 month ago

I probably just imagined that coffee is something that it is not. I expected the install process created some kind of service running that hooked into CLN.. but that doesn't seem to be the case?

Anyway so in general when I followed this and this

And I want to go back to how CLN was working before, I just remove the "include" in the lightningd config and remove any plugins from the config that are manged by coffee and that's it?

vincenzopalazzo commented 1 month ago

I probably just imagined that coffee is something that it is not. I expected the install process created some kind of service running that hooked into CLN.. but that doesn't seem to be the case?

No there is no deamon running

And I want to go back to how CLN was working before, I just remove the "include" in the lightningd config and remove any plugins from the config that are manged by coffee and that's it?
