coffenbacher / dogwalk

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Jack and Kodi #32

Open Hoopball5 opened 11 years ago

Hoopball5 commented 11 years ago

Jack and Kodi go 5 days a week -- I added a constraint to Kodi (needs to be pickedup after 10) but no contraint to Jack. Jack lives next door to Kodi but for some reason the walker doesn't pick them up back to back.....

coffenbacher commented 11 years ago

This one is related to #9 . I've been thinking about how to fix I can probably do this tonight

coffenbacher commented 11 years ago

Damn. This is HARD. May have to rearchitect the whole damn system for this one scenario

coffenbacher commented 11 years ago

"Ant colony optimization algorithms have been applied to many combinatorial optimization problems, ranging from quadratic assignment to protein folding or routing vehicles and a lot of derived methods have been adapted to dynamic problems in real variables, stochastic problems, multi-targets and parallel implementations. It has also been used to produce near-optimal solutions to the travelling salesman problem. They have an advantage over simulated annealing and genetic algorithm approaches of similar problems when the graph may change dynamically; the ant colony algorithm can be run continuously and adapt to changes in real time. This is of interest in network routing and urban transportation systems."

Simulated annealing is not working for this...maybe I will try to turn the whole thing into an ant colony

coffenbacher commented 11 years ago

coffenbacher commented 11 years ago

The most efficient ACO algorithm for the VRPTW and one of the most efficient metaheuristics overall for this problem is MACS-VRPTW by Gambardella, Taillard, and Agazzi [30].

coffenbacher commented 11 years ago

"Visibility depends on a modified distance, which accounts for the effect of time windows: a node can appear ‘closer’ if the end of its time windows is near." <- genius. Formalized method of current algorithm.

coffenbacher commented 11 years ago

MACS-VRPTW is genius. Going with that one.

coffenbacher commented 11 years ago

coffenbacher commented 11 years ago

Reference implentation