Government Systems Coordinator, Facility System Administrator
See a facilities list of summaries for patient impacts during a disaster. Functionally identical to #36, just in list format.
Arbitrarily return the first 10, we can add pagination later after feedback if needed.
User Story
As a Government Systems Coordinator or Facility System Administrator
I want to see a summary of disaster impacts
So that I can understand how the facility has responded to disasters over time
Because I need to evaluate if facilities are meeting standards of care during disasters.
See a facilities list of summaries for patient impacts during a disaster. Functionally identical to #36, just in list format.
Arbitrarily return the first 10, we can add pagination later after feedback if needed.
User Story
As a Government Systems Coordinator or Facility System Administrator I want to see a summary of disaster impacts So that I can understand how the facility has responded to disasters over time Because I need to evaluate if facilities are meeting standards of care during disasters.
Request Body
Response Body
If request body sent is syntactically invalid.
This endpoint is not authorized for roles who are not Government Systems Coordinators or Facility System Administrators.
If request body sent is not processable (missing or malformed data).
Acceptance Criteria
with response body when well-formatted data is sent by a Government Systems Coordinators or Facility System Administrators.400
if request body is malformed.403
if request is made by a role other than a Government Systems Coordinators or Facility System Administrators.422
if request body is missing required data.422
if the request body contains data that doesn't make sense.Tech Notes
Overall schema plan (Lucidchart)