cofounders / freyalove

Love is in the air.
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CONTENT: Questionnaire #22

Open njyo opened 11 years ago

njyo commented 11 years ago

We need the questions:

healthfreak26 commented 11 years ago

About ME

Profile headline (it appears at the top of your profile and in search results) required (check spelling)

Who Am I? (write) Ajax query (click and appears)

What am I doing as a human being?

I am awesome at…..

I suck at…..

My friends see me as…..

My hobbies and interests are …..

My favourite books are …….

Type of movies that are worth my time and money are ……..

The most intimate thing I have done…..

What am I looking for?

I want girls who like girls/lesbians/bisexuals/straight/everyone/no preference




Photos (required number or no cap) (in a different tab)

My Details (click and pops up in the same page)

First name User name Password

Email Add Age

Self-identity (check boxes)

• Me • My Match

I am a Lesbian/Femme/Ultra Femme/Queer/Soft butch/Stone butch/Bois/Bisexual/Drag King/Dyke/Leather Dyke/Gothic Femme/Gothic Dyke/Lipstick Lesbian/MTF//Sporty Dyke/Just Me/Hate labels

Seeking a (same choices above)

I am a Match Maker/I want to be matched

Ethnicity (checkboxes)

• Me • My Match

Choices of 9

1) Asian 2) Black 3) Middle Eastern 4) Indian 5) Native America 6) Pacific Islander 7) Hispanic/Latin 8) White 9) Other

Height (double-edged slider)

• Me • My Match

Body Type (double-edged slider)

• Me • My Match

Eye Color (checkboxes)

• Me • My Match

• Black • Brown • Green • Blue • Gray • Hazel • Other • No Preference

Hair Colour (checkboxes)

• Me • My Match

• Blonde • Dark Blonde • Light Brown • Dark Brown • Black • Auburn/Red • Silver • White or Gray • Salt and Pepper Gray • Colored And/Or Highlighted • Bald/Shaved • Other • No Preference

Looks (double-edged slider)

• Me • My Match

• Hot • Very Good Looking • Good Looking • On The Average • Below Average • Other • No Preference

Diet (checkboxes)

• Me • My Match

Mostly/Strictly anything/vegetarian/vegan/kosher/halal/other

Smoking (double-edged slider)

• Me • My Match

No/Yes/Attempting to quit/Socially/No preference


• Me • My Match

Not at all/Regularly/Socially/Rarely/Alcoholic/No preference


• Me • My Match

Agnosticism and serious about it/and somewhat serious about it/but not too Atheism serious about it/and not practicing it but believes there is
Buddhism God/and not practicing it but there is a force/Who cares Catholism Christianity Islam Hinduism Judaism Other

Current Relationship Status (checkboxes)

• Me • My Match

Single/Divorced/Never Married/Married/Widowed/In a relationship/Separated – pending divorce/In a complicated relationship/No preference

Have children (checkboxes)

• Me • My Match

Yes/No/No preference

Want children (checkboxes)

• Me • My Match

Yes/No/No preference

Out (double-edged slider)

• Me • My Match

Out to everyone and loving it/Out to everyone and regret it/Out at work/Out to family/In the closet/Coming out/No preference

Astrological Sign (checkboxes) selection of 12 signs

• Me • My Match

but it doesn’t matter/and it matters a lot

Education (checkboxes)

• Me • My Match

Graduated from college/university/masters/PH.D/home school Working as part-time/full-time/Freelance/

Occupation (checkboxes)

• Me • My Match • Administrative, Secretarial • Architecture, Design • Artistic, Musical, Writer • ECommerce • Entertainment, Media, Dramatic Art • Executive, Management • Finance, Investor, Accounting • Homemaking, Child Rearing • Labor, Construction • Legal • Medical, Dental, Health • Military • Model, Fashion, Actor • Nonprofit Organizations, Philanthropy • Political, Civil Service, Government • Retail, Food Services • Retired • Sales and Marketing • Self Employed, Entrepreneur • Student • Teacher, Professor • Technical, Science, Engineering • Travel, Hospitality, Transportation • Other • No Preference

Income (double-edged slider)

• Me • My Match

Pets (checkboxes)

dogs/cats/hamsters/rabbits/exotic pet/other

• Me • My Match

Speaks (checkboxes)

• Me • My Match

a selection of languages fluently/poorly/moderately

Qualifying Questions

Is astrological sign an important ingredient in your match?


Answer this question privately/publicly (check button)

How would you rate your self-esteem?


Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

How do you show your partner that you care? (click button)

Actions: Make Sunday brunch/do something nice and thoughtful Words: Give words of encouragement; tell her you appreciate Gifts: Make her something she likes/take her on a shopping spree/pamper her with a day in the spa or massage/buy her flowers/buy her soft toys/gadgets/jewellery

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Does squabbling/fighting ever solve anything?

Yes/No/Most of the time/Almost never, sometimes

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Are you cautious about love after some heartache?

Yes somewhat/Yes all the time/No/Neutral/Not At All

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Does she need to be in the same league as you?


Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Would you consider dating someone who is into witch craft?

Yes/No/I am not sure

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

How important is it that your partner smell good?

Critical/Ok/Somewhat/I don’t care

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Does it bother you if your partner swears a lot?


Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

How important is it that your partner

Would you date someone who has opposite family values as you?

Yes/No/I don’t care

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

I want my partner to be a thrill-seeker…we will try anything once.

Yes/No/I don’t care

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Once you are intimate, how often would you and your partner make love?


Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Would you have one-night stand on your first date?

Yes/No/I don’t care

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Would you want your partner to be equally sexually-driven as you?

Yes/No/I don’t care

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

What do you seek in a relationship?

Love/Great sex/Good looks/Financially independence/Loyalty

Are you the jealousy type?


Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Would you be Ok if your partner is the jealousy type?

Yes/No/I don’t care

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Would you consider having an open relationship?

Yes/No/I don’t care

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Would you break off an almost perfect relationship after finding out that she has a fetish you can’t accept?

Yes/No/I don’t care

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Which is more important in a match – Wealth or Health?

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Would you throw a fit if your partner flirted in front of you?

Yes/No/I don’t care

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Would you be tolerant with your partner if she hit you every time you gals fight?

Yes/Somewhat/No and Need to do something about it/Yes and forgive her every time/I don’t care

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Would you rather do things together on a weekend or have sex all day?

Yes/No/I don’t care

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Would you date a prostitute?


Do you prefer sex or no sex toys when you have sex with your partner?


Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Are you the type who becomes a homebody once you are in a love nest with your partner?


Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Would you date someone who is into bestiality?

Yes/No/As long as I don’t find out/Neutral

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Do you think great sex is the key to staying in a relationship long term?

Yes/No/I don’t care

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Do you live-in with your girlfriend after less than 6 months of dating?


Test (tab on the top)

The Sex Fantasy Test

Fantasy 1

We are in the movies watching a thriller. Sitting next to you, I begin to stroke your inner thigh. Since everyone is glued to the screen, I begin to do some exploring with my hand….

Yes, and I let out a small moan No, we are watching a movie for crying out loud!

I begin massaging you through the pants and unzipping your pants

No, stop that! Eyes glued to the screen but with a little naughty grin

The Sexual Style Test

Have you ever had an orgasm?

Yes No I don’t know how it feels

If your partner became the top and you became the bottom which meant to be a nice surprise, would you be mad?

Yes No I don’t care really

The Personality Test

When the phone beeps with an incoming SMS, you

Look at it and ignore it Reply immediately

Do you greet your colleagues in the morning at work?

Yes No

Do you lay on your bed the minute you come home from outside?

Yes No

Do you leave your clothes around in your room and wait for someone to clean up?

Yes No

Do you confess easily?

Yes No

Do you tell white lies just to get out of an unwanted situation knowing that the outcome might be salvaged?

Yes No

Instinct is

Usually reliable Not enough on its own

healthfreak26 commented 11 years ago

Above is my final questionnaire.

Message to Veronica: I can't find the 4 answer format email that you had sent me previously. Could you please re-send? Thanks!

njyo commented 11 years ago

I have formatted and moved the questions here:

Please verify and fill out the gaps. You can also forward the info to your copywriter, we can give access to those files.

The Four Answer is here:

In fact we don't need any more questions, but we need you to finalise and approve these.

healthfreak26 commented 11 years ago

Ok, I approve the above. Sorry, what are the gaps? I don't see any.

njyo commented 11 years ago

e.g.: from Questionnaire-About

Who I am: ID: 2 Topic: about Question: Type: Textarea Helptext:

This needs the exact *Question Text as well as the exact Helptext… in this case the question text is most likely "Who I am:" but in many cases the question text provided is not yet immaculate. Consistency like question marks or colons, etc.

If you look further, through all the pages, for example Questionnaire-Relationship, you'll see massive gaps.

I'm sorry, but you will have to pull some of this weight or get someone to do this. I have spent quite a number of hours to outline the framework that we need for the questions already, but having you involved more would be good. Thanks

healthfreak26 commented 11 years ago

Working on it

Have a meaningful day!


On Aug 9, 2012, at 6:45 AM, Wolfgang Maehr wrote:

e.g.: from [[Questionnaire-About]]

Who I am:

ID: 2

Topic: about


Type: Textarea


This needs the exact Question Text as well as the exact *Helptext… in this case the question text is most likely "Who I am:" but in many cases the question text provided is not yet immaculate. Consistency like question marks or colons, etc.

If you look further, through all the pages, for example [[Questionnaire-Relationship]], you'll see massive gaps.

I'm sorry, but you will have to pull some of this weight or get someone to do this. I have spent quite a number of hours to outline the framework that we need for the questions already, but having you involved more would be good. Thanks

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

healthfreak26 commented 11 years ago

Haven't I listed as "Who Am I?" so what's the issue for the first question?

healthfreak26 commented 11 years ago

Ok here's the revision. Do follow systematically. Thanks. I have already pulled most the weight before but you needed me to do it in a different way so here you go. I am quite offended with your remark above really so be sensitive about what you said to your customer(s)

Anyway, I have made changes to the Personality and Relationship sections.

Questionnaire – About

About ME

Profile headline (it appears at the top of your profile and in search results) required (check spelling)

Who Am I? (write) Ajax query (click and appears)

What am I doing as a human being?

I am awesome at…..

I suck at…..

My friends see me as…..

My hobbies and interests are …..

My favourite books are …….

Type of movies that are worth my time and money are ……..

The most intimate thing I have done…..

What am I looking for?

Girls who like girls Lesbians Bisexuals Straight Anybody

Self-identity (check boxes)

• I am a

• She is a

Radio: • Lesbian • Femme • Ultra Femme • Queer • Soft Butch • Stone Butch • Bois • Bisexual • Drag King • Dyke • Lether Dyke • Gothic Femme • Gothic Dyke • Lipstick Lesbian • MTF • Sporty Dyke • Just Me, I hate labels

I am a

Radio: • Matchmaker • Someone who wants to be matched • Both

Questionnaire – Background

Education (checkboxes)

• What’s my highest qualification? • What’s her highest qualification?

Radio: • Graduated from college • University • Masters • PH.D • Home school

Occupation (checkboxes)

• What’s my occupation? • What’s her occupation?

Radio: • Part-time • Full-time • Freelance • Retired • No preference

Income (double-edged slider)

• What’s my income? • What’s her income?

Pets (checkboxes)

• Do I like pets? • Do you prefer she likes pets?

Checkbox: • Dogs • Cats • Hamsters • Rabbits • Exotic pets • No preference

Questionnaire – Lifestyle

Diet (checkboxes)

• What’s my diet? • What type of diet is my preference?

4-Answer • Herbivores • Carnivores • Omnivores • Other

Smoking (double-edged slider)

• Do I smoke? • Does she smoke?

4-Answer • No • Yes • Socially • No preference


• Do I drink? • Does she drink?

4-Answer • No • Yes • Socially • No preference


• What’s my religion? • What’s her religion?

4-Answer • Christianity • Catholism • Free Thinker • Other

Comment: It’s difficult to use 4 answers as there are many choices in this category.

Agnosticism and serious about it/and somewhat serious about it/but not too Atheism serious about it/and not practicing it but believes there is
Buddhism God/and not practicing it but there is a force/Who cares Catholism Christianity Islam Hinduism Judaism Other

Questionnaire - Looks

Ethnicity (checkboxes)

• What’s my race? • What is her race?

Radio: • Asian • Black • Hispanic/Latin • Indian • Middle Eastern • Native American • Pacific Islander • White • Other

Height (double-edged slider)

• What’s my height? • What’s her height?

Body Type (double-edged slider)

• What’s my weight? • What’s her weight?

Eye Color (checkboxes)

• What’s my eye color? • What’s her eye color?

• Black • Brown • Green • Blue • Gray • Hazel • Other • No Preference

Hair Colour (checkboxes)

• What’s my hair color? • What’s her hair color?

• Blonde • Dark Blonde • Light Brown • Dark Brown • Black • Auburn/Red • Silver • White or Gray • Salt and Pepper Gray • Colored And/Or Highlighted • Bald/Shaved • Other • No Preference

Looks (double-edged slider)

• How do I rate my looks? • What type of looks is your preference?

• Hot • Very Good Looking • Good Looking • On The Average • Below Average • Other • No Preference

Questionnaire – Personality

Is astrological sign an important ingredient in your match?

4-Answer: • Yes • No • Maybe • No preference

Answer this question privately/publicly (check button)

How would you rate your self-esteem?

4-Answer: • High • Low • Moderate • Need help

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

How do you show your partner that you care? (click button)

4-Answer: • Make Sunday brunch/do something nice and thoughtful • Give words of encouragement; tell her you appreciate her • Make her something she likes • Surprise her with things she likes to do

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Does squabbling/fighting ever solve anything?

4-Answer: • Yes • No • Most of the time • Almost never

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Are you cautious about love after some heartache?

4-Answer: • Yes somewhat • Yes all the time • No • Neutral

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Does she need to be in the same league as you?


• Yes • No • Neutral • No preference

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Would you consider dating someone who is into witch craft?


• Yes • No • Maybe • No preference

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

How important is it that your partner smell good?


• Critical • Somewhat • I don’t care • No preference

Does it bother you if your partner swears a lot?


• Yes • No • Neutral • No preference

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

Would you date someone who has opposite family values as you?


• Yes • No • I don’t care • No preference

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

I want my partner to be a thrill-seeker…we will try anything once.


• Yes • No • I don’t care • No preference

Option to re-answer/Go public/Go private

When the phone beeps with an incoming SMS, you

4-Answer: • Look at it and ignore it • Reply it immediately • Delete it immediately • Reply it later

Do you greet your colleagues in the morning at work?

4-Answer: • Yes • No • Sometimes • I don’t care

Do you lay on your bed the minute you come home from outside?

4-Answer: • Yes • No • Sometimes • Rarely

Do you leave your clothes around in your room and wait for someone to clean up?

4-Answer: • Yes • No • Sometimes • Rarely

Do you confess easily?

4-Answer: • Yes • No • Sometimes • Rarely

Do you tell white lies just to get out of an unwanted situation knowing that the outcome might be salvaged?

4-Answer: • Yes • No • Sometimes • Rarely

Instinct is

4-Answer • Always reliable • Somewhat reliable • Not enough on its own • Do I have it

Questionnaire – Sexual Style

We are in the movies watching a thriller. Sitting next to you, I begin to stroke your inner thigh. Since everyone is glued to the screen, I begin to do some exploring with my hand….

4-Answer: • Yes, and I let out a small moan • No, we are watching a movie for crying out loud! • No reaction • I don’t care

I begin massaging you through the pants and unzipping your pants

4-Answer: • No, stop that! • Eyes glued to the screen but with a little naughty grin • No reaction • I don’t care

Have you ever had an orgasm?

4-Answer: • Yes • No • I don’t like it • I don’t know how it feels

If your partner became the top and you became the bottom which meant to be a nice surprise, would you be mad?

4-Answer: • Yes • No • Not sure I haven’t had the chance • I don’t care really

healthfreak26 commented 11 years ago

hopefully, the above will do for now. if not, let me know ASAP.

njyo commented 11 years ago

Thanks, overall it's fine, we'll just need to get it put into the appropriate Questionnaire sections so it's easy to import into the database…: here and so forth, thanks. :)

On the question side, a few things that are not completely clear to me:

  1. What am I looking for? Girls who like girls vs. Lesbians: while I don't know the difference, I hope the users of this site do. :) What is the difference—sorry, just curious?
  2. I am a… Matchmaker, Want to be matched, both: Do we need this question? At the back-end we don't differentiate between these user types and treat all the same. I see this could become relevant eventually, but then we could introduce the question when needed.
  3. What’s my highest qualification?: I think we are missing just a regular (high) school degree—one without uni/college yet not home schooled.
  4. Do I like pets? and *Do you prefer she likes pets?: These two questions don't correlate directly… I would rephrase the question to: "Which pets would you want her to like?"—also, we should add a "no pets" answer.
  5. For the * Religion* question, we could use a 4-Answer format if we make it: "Are you very religious? Yes (if so, which), No (atheist), Agnostic, No Preference " and then let users comment in the comment box which religion they have. Otherwise we can just make it a list of radio buttons and checkboxes (for the match).

And finally, I am not sure but a good proof-read of these questions would be valuable as their tone seems to be inconsistent: How do I rate my looks? vs. What type of looks is your preference?

That should be all that I could see. :) If you'll import it into the WIki, it'll be easier to discuss the specific sections and amend, if needed. Thanks

healthfreak26 commented 11 years ago

Thanks Wolfgang.

  1. What am I looking for?

please include the following radio buttons: the options should be dates, new friends, relationship,relationship with other couples, casual encounters, chats, networking, just being nosy

  1. Please include high school diploma
  2. They do correlate. It's like asking do you prefer your future gf to like pets if you do? And, if so what are they? Don't change the question
  3. OK to go with your suggestion
  4. As for the "Looks" question, I shall get Chiara to look at it.
