coganlab / IEEG_Pipelines

A repo of current preprocessing methods for the Cogan Lab
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plot_on_avg can't add labels #84

Closed jimzhang629 closed 9 months ago

jimzhang629 commented 1 year ago
import mne
import os
from ieeg.viz.mri import plot_subj, subject_to_info, plot_on_average, get_sub_dir
from import raw_from_layout, get_data
from misc_functions import load_sig_chans, channel_names_to_indices

# grab all of the significant electrodes, and put them into one list, and then run plot_on_average

HOME = os.path.expanduser("~")

# get box directory depending on OS
if == 'nt': # windows
    LAB_root = os.path.join(HOME, "Box", "CoganLab")
else: # mac
    LAB_root = os.path.join(HOME, "Library", "CloudStorage", "Box-Box", "CoganLab")

layout = get_data("GlobalLocal", root=LAB_root)


base_path = os.path.join(LAB_root, "BIDS-1.1_GlobalLocal", "BIDS", "derivatives", "freqFilt", "figs")

subjects = layout.get(return_type="id", target="subject")
subjects_without_zeroes = ["D" + subj[1:].lstrip('0') for subj in subjects]

allSigElectrodes = {}  # Initialize as an empty dictionary
allElectrodes = {}

for subj in subjects:
    if subj == "D0077":

    resp_filename = f'{base_path}\\{subj}\\sig_chans_{subj}_Response.json'
    stim_filename = f'{base_path}\\{subj}\\sig_chans_{subj}_Stimulus.json'

    resp_sig_chans = load_sig_chans(resp_filename)
    stim_sig_chans = load_sig_chans(stim_filename)

    # Combine the significant electrodes for this subject
    combined_chans = resp_sig_chans + stim_sig_chans

    # Add them to the dictionary, tagged with the subject without zeroes

    subj_without_zeroes = "D" + subj[1:].lstrip('0')
    allSigElectrodes[subj_without_zeroes] = combined_chans

    # Get all electrodes for this subject and add them to the allElectrodes dict
    info = subject_to_info(subj_without_zeroes)
    allSubjElectrodes = mne.pick_channels(info.ch_names, [])
    allElectrodes[subj_without_zeroes] = allSubjElectrodes

picks = [f'D{k[1:].zfill(4)}-{v}' for k in allSigElectrodes.keys() for v in allSigElectrodes[k]]
sinfos = [subject_to_info(f'D{int(subj[1:])}') for subj in subjects]
sd = get_sub_dir()

plot_on_average(sinfos, picks=picks, hemi="both")
# plot_on_average(allElectrodes, hemi='both', color=(1,1,0))

TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[10], line 53
     50 sinfos = [subject_to_info(f'D{int(subj[1:])}') for subj in subjects]
     51 sd = get_sub_dir()
---> 53 plot_on_average(sinfos, picks=picks, hemi="both")
     54 # plot_on_average(allElectrodes, hemi='both', color=(1,1,0))

File [c:\Users\jz421\Desktop\GlobalLocal\ieeg\viz\](file:///C:/Users/jz421/Desktop/GlobalLocal/ieeg/viz/, in plot_on_average(sigs, subj_dir, rm_wm, picks, surface, hemi, color, size, fig, background)
    291     sigs = [sigs]
    292 if isinstance(sigs, Iterable):
--> 293     sigs = {get_sub(v): v for v in sigs}
    295 for subj, inst in sigs.items():
    297     if isinstance(inst, mne.Info):

File [c:\Users\jz421\Desktop\GlobalLocal\ieeg\viz\](file:///C:/Users/jz421/Desktop/GlobalLocal/ieeg/viz/, in (.0)
    291     sigs = [sigs]
    292 if isinstance(sigs, Iterable):
--> 293     sigs = {get_sub(v): v for v in sigs}
    295 for subj, inst in sigs.items():
    297     if isinstance(inst, mne.Info):

File [c:\Users\jz421\Desktop\GlobalLocal\ieeg\viz\](file:///C:/Users/jz421/Desktop/GlobalLocal/ieeg/viz/, in get_sub(inst)
    383 elif isinstance(inst, str):
    384     return f"{inst[0]}{int(inst[1:])}"
--> 385 out_str = inst['subject_info']['his_id'][4:]
    386 if len(out_str) == 1:
    387     return out_str

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable