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OpenCL for Rust
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ocl-interop build fails on mac #177

Open Melleth opened 4 years ago

Melleth commented 4 years ago

Dear rust/opencl folk,

I've encountered an error in the ocl-interop crate while building for mac. I know it is untested, and I'm not quite sure what I expected but please hear me out. If you try to set up things as the README shows, building crashes ( with the message that the crate gl_generator can not be found. This is red flag 1 AFAIK because gl_generator shouldn't even be included in mac builds. In my local copy of the crate, I removed the extern crate and the use line in To properly fix this, I'm confident that some well placed pre compile flags would do the trick, but on my end I just ended up deleting most of the file involving gl_generator.

On my end this lets me move past, and consequently it crashes in in the following bit (which is line 38-43 of ocl-interop/

[cfg(target_os = "macos")]

unsafe {
    let gl_context = cgl::CGLGetCurrentContext();
    let share_group = cgl::CGLGetShareGroup(gl_context);

because properties is moved by the cgl_sharegroup() call, it cannot be returned at the end of the function. I'm unsure why it is moved, as when we dive in cgl_sharegroup() it seems to give ownership back by returning self.

So thats what I found out. Sorry if I made some error and this is an incoherent rambling mess. I'm willing to fix this, but I am unsure where to continue.

Thanks for reading and looking forward to any responses!