cogimon / rtt-gazebo-robot-sim

RTT-Gazebo base component for different robotic platforms
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Gazebo-agnostic construction of a KinematicChain object #8

Open xwavex opened 8 years ago

xwavex commented 8 years ago

In order to use the kinematic chain representation in the Proxy components that eventually create the interface which the users will see and which can unify different robots/chains in one kinematic chain, the KinematicChain representation should not depend on gazebo structures. Since these Proxy components don't have access to gazebo at all. Currently it seems that everything is heavily tied to gazebo's model data type:

KinematicChain(const std::string& chain_name, RTT::DataFlowInterface& ports, gazebo::physics::ModelPtr model);
xwavex commented 8 years ago


The grey-ish part contains the Proxy components.

xwavex commented 8 years ago

@EnricoMingo do you have some ideas to do this?

EnricoMingo commented 8 years ago

My idea is that the HAL component will read the SRDF and generate the kinematic chain objects according to the parsing. Then the Kinematic Chain + Control Modes can take as well the SRDF ao maybe they can be configured by the user for particular purposes?

EnricoMingo commented 8 years ago

The proxy component should be a sort of multyplexer of ports no?