cogment / cogment-verse

Research platform for Human-in-the-loop learning (HILL) & Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL)
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PyBullet Integration #166

Open wduguay-air opened 1 year ago

wduguay-air commented 1 year ago

Integration of pybullet environment in cogment-verse. resources:

Starting off with a basic gym implementation of the "PandaReachDense-v2" environment.

LailaElMoujtahid commented 1 year ago

here the environment used :



LailaElMoujtahid commented 1 year ago

Link to the library I found on pypi (panda-gym):

install: pip install panda-gym in the code: import panda_gym

env = gym.make('PandaReach-v3', render_mode="human") In the Make sure to import panda_gym Undo the changes we did to the self.gym_env_names (the two locations) Changes the env_name in the env configuration to be PandaReach-v3

LailaElMoujtahid commented 1 year ago

LailaElMoujtahid commented 1 year ago

--> import gymnasium as gym --> Type of Gym environment --> import panda_gym

Name of the environment --> PandaReach-v3