cognidox / OTRS-Joomla-Gateway

Provides seamless access to OTRS tickets through Joomla
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Type field is missing #14

Closed Mask001 closed 13 years ago

Mask001 commented 13 years ago

Hello everyone, while testing the OTRSGateway I noticed that is missing fields ... I wonder if you could add the field Type (type of ticket) when you create a new ticket ... Thanks

vittala commented 13 years ago

Hi Mask001,

We'll look into this for a future release.

Regards Vittal (note to self - requires the OTRS side examine the Ticket::Type setting to validate if types are sent over and accepted)

Mask001 commented 13 years ago

Hi Vittala,

I thank you for the quick response, I would really appreciate if you could inform me when the next release will be issued.

Regards Mask

vittala commented 13 years ago

Hi Mask

We don't have a release date scheduled for the next version. Our focus for the next release is native Joomla 1.6 support, after which, we'll be looking at additional functionality such as better field handling.

Regards Vittal

vittala commented 13 years ago

Hi Mask

We've released version 0.9.1 of the package which has support both for Joomla 1.6 and this missing ticket type field. If you update both the Joomla and OTRS components, this should be fixed for you.

Regards Vittal