cognidox / OTRS-Joomla-Gateway

Provides seamless access to OTRS tickets through Joomla
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Installation failed in Joomla 1.5 #7

Closed Noxin closed 13 years ago

Noxin commented 13 years ago


I have just installed the Joomla component, but somehow it failed. After installing the package when clicking the component I get this error message:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /homepages/13/d32354364/htdocs/xxsoftware/administrator/components/com_otrsgateway/helpers/rpchelper.php on line 95

OTRS part of the installation ran without any problems.

Now I am not able to login in to the Joomla administration pages anymore... Any help would be very appreciated!

Best regards, Harry

vittala commented 13 years ago

Hi Harry

How did you install the component - via the Joomla web pages, or unzipping it into your Joomla installation?

What version of PHP are you using on your Joomla server?

Regards Vittal

Noxin commented 13 years ago


Thanks for answering.

I did the install from within Joomla, just the "normal" way. Everything seemed OK as long as I did not log out of the Joomla Administration. Trouble began when I tried to login again.

PHP Version is 4.4.9

Best regards, Harald

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: vittala [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 23. März 2011 13:43 An: Harald Seeger Betreff: Re: [GitHub] Installation failed in Joomla 1.5 [cognidox/OTRS-Joomla-Gateway GH-7]

Hi Harry

How did you install the component - via the Joomla web pages, or unzipping it into your Joomla installation?

What version of PHP are you using on your Joomla server?

Regards Vittal

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vittala commented 13 years ago

Hi Harald

Unfortunately, the component code requires PHP 5.x, since it uses PHP 5's exception handling model. As a result, the component won't work on your Joomla install.

To remove the component without going through the admin interface, delete the following folders from your Joomla installation:

administrator/components/com_otrsgateway components/com_otrsgateway

and also remove the files:

plugins/search/otrsgateway.php plugins/search/otrsgateway.xml

It's unlikely we'll provide support for PHP 4.x.

Regards Vittal

Noxin commented 13 years ago

Thanks, I will try that!

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: vittala [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 23. März 2011 15:00 An: Harald Seeger Betreff: Re: [GitHub] Installation failed in Joomla 1.5 [cognidox/OTRS-Joomla-Gateway GH-7]

Hi Harald

Unfortunately, the component code requires PHP 5.x, since it uses PHP 5's exception handling model. As a result, the component won't work on your Joomla install.

To remove the component without going through the admin interface, delete the following folders from your Joomla installation:

administrator/components/com_otrsgateway components/com_otrsgateway

and also remove the files:

plugins/search/otrsgateway.php plugins/search/otrsgateway.xml

It's unlikely we'll provide support for PHP 4.x.

Regards Vittal

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vittala commented 13 years ago

Hi Harald

Did my suggestions get you back to a working Joomla system?

Regards Vittal

Noxin commented 13 years ago

Thanks for you follow up. No, unfortunately not. I think I will have to restore a backup...

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: vittala [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. März 2011 10:36 An: Harald Seeger Betreff: Re: [GitHub] Installation failed in Joomla 1.5 [cognidox/OTRS-Joomla-Gateway GH-7]

Hi Harald

Did my suggestions get you back to a working Joomla system?

Regards Vittal

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vittala commented 13 years ago

Hi Harald

Just realised you should also remove the files:

plugins/authentication/otrsgateway.xml and plugins/authentication/otrsgateway.php

as these are also provided by the gateway, and may be causing PHP4 problems.

Regards Vittal

Noxin commented 13 years ago

Nope... Didn't work. I am a little out of ideas what has crashed on my page. :) Luckily I have a full backup from February.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: vittala [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. März 2011 10:43 An: Harald Seeger Betreff: Re: [GitHub] Installation failed in Joomla 1.5 [cognidox/OTRS-Joomla-Gateway GH-7]

Hi Harald

Just realised you should also remove the files:

plugins/authentication/otrsgateway.xml and plugins/authentication/otrsgateway.php

as these are also provided by the gateway, and may be causing PHP4 problems.

Regards Vittal

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vittala commented 13 years ago

You can remove the files in cache/ and administrator/cache/ in your Joomla install - you're possibly getting something out of cache that's causing the problem.

Is a PHP error shown, or do you just get a blank page? There may be something of use in the web server error log.

Regards Vittal

Noxin commented 13 years ago

OK, I have deleted the cache folders. I have also deleted all the files you mentioned. Now I get a completely different error which is related to the authentication.... Funny....

Fatal error: Call to undefined method: stdClass->onauthenticate() in /homepages/11/d17357064/htdocs/mrsoftware/libraries/joomla/user/authentication.php on line 121

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: vittala [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. März 2011 10:53 An: Harald Seeger Betreff: Re: [GitHub] Installation failed in Joomla 1.5 [cognidox/OTRS-Joomla-Gateway GH-7]

You can remove the files in cache/ and administrator/cache/ in your Joomla install - you're possibly getting something out of cache that's causing the problem.

Is a PHP error shown, or do you just get a blank page? There may be something of use in the web server error log.

Regards Vittal

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vittala commented 13 years ago

Ah, that makes a bit of sense. It's still got a reference to the authentication plugin in the database, and is attempting to load a non-existent class (I was hoping Joomla would be a bit smarter). However, this can be fixed by zapping the plugin reference in the database:

UPDATE plugins SET published = 0 WHERE element = 'otrsgateway';

(you may need to change the table name to include your Joomla install's table prefix).

Once done, Joomla will no longer attempt to load the gateway plugins, and should proceed as normal.

Regards Vittal

Noxin commented 13 years ago


You are my hero! I did not recognize the plugins, too. That was easy. It's working again. I have also changed the webserver configuration to PHP5. So I could give it another try.

Thank you very much for your great support!!!

Regards, Harald

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: vittala [] Gesendet: Mittwoch, 30. März 2011 11:28 An: Harald Seeger Betreff: Re: [GitHub] Installation failed in Joomla 1.5 [cognidox/OTRS-Joomla-Gateway GH-7]

Ah, that makes a bit of sense. It's still got a reference to the authentication plugin in the database, and is attempting to load a non-existent class (I was hoping Joomla would be a bit smarter). However, this can be fixed by zapping the plugin reference in the database:

UPDATE plugins SET published = 0 WHERE element = 'otrsgateway';

(you may need to change the table name to include your Joomla install's table prefix).

Once done, Joomla will no longer attempt to load the gateway plugins, and should proceed as normal.

Regards Vittal

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vittala commented 13 years ago

Hi Harald

Glad you're back up and running.

If it's useful for you under PHP 5, please feel free to vote for it at :)

Regards Vittal