cognitect-labs / aws-api

AWS, data driven
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AWS 404 response with XML-encoded body causes JSON parsing exception #218

Closed scottbale closed 1 year ago

scottbale commented 1 year ago

This issue was uncovered while reproducing #174.


I was able to reproduce #174 both with the dependencies listed there and the following:

:deps    {org.clojure/clojure       {:mvn/version "1.11.1"}
          org.clojure/core.async    {:mvn/version "1.5.648"}
          org.clojure/tools.logging {:mvn/version "1.2.4"}
          org.clojure/data.json     {:mvn/version "2.4.0"}
          org.clojure/data.xml      {:mvn/version "0.2.0-alpha6"}
          com.cognitect/http-client {:mvn/version "1.0.115"}}

Description with failing test case

Here is a simplification of the #174 steps to reproduce:

(def kvs 
  {:api :kinesisvideo 
  :region "eu-west-1" 
  :credentials-provider (cred/profile-credentials-provider "devpl2")}))

; get the arn of the first stream in the KVSs
(def stream-arn
  (-> (aws/invoke kvs {:op :ListStreams :request {}})

;; Create a KV Media client which defaults to the wrong endpoint without an :endpoint-override

(def kvmedia 
  {:api :kinesis-video-media 
   :region "eu-west-1" 
   :credentials-provider (cred/profile-credentials-provider "devpl2")}))

;; invoke the API
(aws/invoke kvmedia {:op :GetMedia
                     :request {:StartSelector {:StartSelectorType "EARLIEST"}
                               :StreamARN stream-arn}})

Stack traces

Here is an abbreviated stack trace, see #174 for full stack trace.

{:cognitect.anomalies/category :cognitect.anomalies/fault
  {:cause "JSON error (unexpected character): <"
   [[$_read invokeStatic "json.clj"
    [$_read invoke "json.clj" 181]
    [$read invokeStatic "json.clj" 276]
    [$read doInvoke "json.clj" 232]
    [clojure.lang.RestFn applyTo "" 139]
    [clojure.core$apply invokeStatic "core.clj" 667]
    [clojure.core$apply invoke "core.clj" 660]
    [$read_str invokeStatic "json.clj"
    [$read_str doInvoke "json.clj" 278]
    [clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 439]
     invokeStatic "common.clj" 42]
     invoke "common.clj" 40]
     invokeStatic "rest.clj" 261]
     invoke "rest.clj" 249]

Note the JSON error (unexpected character): <". The response from AWS is a 404, the body is the string <UnknownOperationException/> which, being XML instead of the expected/requested JSON, causes the json-parse-error function to throw an uncaught exception.

In other words, although this operation is expected to fail because of the lack of :endpoint-override, the response body is unexpectedly formatted as XML instead of JSON.

This issue is for potentially making the error response parsing more robust in the face of behavior like this.

phmeier-nubank commented 1 year ago

I want to point out that the http server can ultimately decide what encoding to use when creating a respose. In general it's advised to consider at least the "content-type" of every response to determine how to interpret the http body. (See

dchelimsky commented 1 year ago

I want to point out that the http server can ultimately decide what encoding to use when creating a respose. In general it's advised to consider at least the "content-type" of every response to determine how to interpret the http body. (See

@phmeier-nubank in this case, we send "accept" "application/json" and don't get back any "content-type" header.