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The Rust Programming Language: Experimental Edition
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Chapter 4, Final Quiz (ch04-02-references-sec3-safety.toml) #172

Closed sgbmyr closed 1 week ago

sgbmyr commented 3 months ago

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Description of the problem:

A previously closed issue is available with a similar question here: 148

For the program below, can you add more explanation why "let v2 = &v is not a candidate [for accessing invalid data]"?

let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
let v2 = &v;
give_and_take(&v, 4);
println!("{}", v2[0]);


  1. In my understanding, v2 would still reference v, which resides on the stack and the reference itself is not invalidated. Hence, println!("{}", v2) would possibly still work fine. But as soon as data were accessed with, e.g., v2[0], the program would access invalid data, because the heap memory pointed to by v was invalidated. Here, I assume that Rust does an implicit de-referencing, because without line 3 give_and_take(&v, 4) the program prints 1. Did I get something conceptually wrong here?
  2. More generally observing, wouldn't all answers actually suffer from a double-free issue as Rust would free v once more after it was invalidated?

Suggested fix: Possibly add more clarifications to the existing explanations.

Webzeez commented 3 months ago

Git clone money B2T rusttom no Tim h lol '

Archsx commented 3 months ago

I'm new to rust too, but let me try to explain.

  1. here is the involving tool that is mentioned somewhere in this book.( to help you understand Rust, copy the code below to the box, click the button Interpret
    fn main() {
    let v = vec![1, 2, 3];
    let v2 = &v;
    give_and_take(&v, 4);
    println!("{}", v2[0]);

fn give_and_take(v: &Vec, n: i32) -> i32 { v.push(n); v.remove(0) }

and you can see that `v2` always point to the `v` on the stack, **but not the real data in the heap**. after we call the function `give_and_take`, yes it will re-allocate memory on the heap, but `v2` still point to the `v` on the stack. so `v2[0]` always find the right address.
![Screenshot from 2024-03-25 11-08-54](

![Screenshot from 2024-03-25 11-10-35](

2. I think double-free issue means **two variable** owns the same memory , but not **one variable** points to different memory after reallocating .
block0xhash commented 3 months ago

explanation why "let v2 = &v is not a candidate [for accessing invalid data]"?

This is because v2 is a reference to the "whole" vector and NOT a reference to a single element of the vector v

If the data in v mutates (by pushing or popping), it's not a problem because v2 is always pointing to wherever v is pointing


let v2 = &v[0] will be a candidate for accessing invalid data.

Pushing to an array can cause the data to be allocated to another memory space, in this case v2 is left referencing deallocated memory . causing undefind behavior onprintln!


willcrichton commented 1 week ago

The explanations provided by @Archsx and @block0xhash are correct.