cognoma / frontend

Frontend for Project Cognoma
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Limit gene selection to protein-coding genes only #106

Closed dhimmel closed 6 years ago

dhimmel commented 6 years ago

Currently our API queries to are specified in

I think we should also restrict to "protein-coding" genes, as users will be primarily interested in mutations for protein-coding genes. In general we will only have mutations for protein-coding genes, since we require mutations to be "gene-affecting".

It is possible to modify our query as per We basically have to add AND type_of_gene:protein-coding. I'm not sure exactly how to do this in constants.js. Note we can also do q=type_of_gene:protein-coding AND XXX where XXX is the user search term (order doesn't matter).

@rdvelazquez are you interested seeing if this change works? Currently, I think there is an error when the frontend specified genes that aren't in our mutation catalog, so this would minimize those occurrences.