cognoma / frontend

Frontend for Project Cognoma
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Adds base functionality for searching and adding Mutations and Diseases to Query #39

Closed bdolly closed 7 years ago

bdolly commented 7 years ago

@dhimmel @txnnxr @cgreene functional prototype (best viewed in Chrome):

This adds the basic minimum viable functionality of searching for Mutations and Disease Types and adding them to the main query.

@awm33 It loads the Genes/Mutations and Diseases from an angular mock backend implementation modeled after the proposed core-service endpoints and responses. All data is mocked and for testing purposes only. Genes, Disease, and Samples are pulled from static json files in the build and Disease Sample Mutations are randomly generated for mock purposes.

Disease positives and negatives counts are update in real-time as mutations are added and removed from the query

txnnxr commented 7 years ago

@bdolly this is awesome, just took a quick look only things that seems off immediately

dhimmel commented 7 years ago

Yes this is terrific!.

I won't be at the meeting tonight

@txnnxr no meeting tonight. Next meeting on December 6.

bdolly commented 7 years ago


info, X, and sort icons aren't showing up

This is an https issue with bootstrap and git hub pages hosting that I haven't worked out yet

I'm writing as many unit tests I can think of

I wrote a bunch of unit test for the existing components in test/unit, feel free to reference/change/update those as you see fit. There's also some issues with the search results sorting if you want to take a stab at those.

Another set of tasks in my sights soon is to tidy up and lay some good css foundations and variables. I know it's all early stages right now but a good css architecture will help keep things tidy moving forward.

I'm going to try and organize the front-end github project kanban board in the next couple days so it's up-to-date with the project status and hopefully see if I can recruit some more front-end devs to help us out so we can get an minimum viable product up soon.

cgreene commented 7 years ago

@bdolly this is spiffy! Does a protocol relative URL work to avoid the insecure scripts issue ( )?

dhimmel commented 7 years ago

Doesn't have to be in this pull request, but it would be great to have a "Add all cancers" button on the DISEASE TYPE page. I imagine many users will be interested in fitting models on all samples.

bdolly commented 7 years ago

@dhimmel so that would add all 33 Disease Types to the query?

dhimmel commented 7 years ago

@dhimmel so that would add all 33 Disease Types to the query?


awm33 commented 7 years ago

Some functional testing notes:

Attaching a screenshot of what it looks like in my browser.

screen shot 2016-12-03 at 7 03 44 pm