cogroo / cogroo4

(Apache OpenOffice|LibreOffice) Portuguese Grammar Checker
Apache License 2.0
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Added hashCode to classes with equals overridden #3

Closed kinow closed 12 years ago

kinow commented 12 years ago

I'm learning more about the code base of Cogroo. I'm also trying to test the new test version announced in the mailing list. So I'll include few tests whenever Sonar/Maven+plugins tell me there is something that can be enhanced, or just to enhance code coverage :)

Hope someone finds it useful.

Cheers, -B

wcolen commented 12 years ago

We appreciate your help! Thank you! These tools you are using, Sonar + plugins, are they open source? If yes, could you complement our pom with these plugins so we always get the reports? Also, unittests are always welcome! Unfortunately we have less than we should (my fault).

Thank you for the patch!

kinow commented 12 years ago

@wcolen: You are welcome, and thank you for Cogroo. I'm really impressed by the code organization and quality.

These tools you are using, Sonar + plugins, are they open source? If yes, could you complement our pom with these plugins so we always get the reports?

wrt: Sonar, I have a server installed in my local machine (really simple to install it). No need to change the pom.xml, I just have to run mvn sonar:sonar -Dsonar... (I have to use these settings because I'm using a MySQL database, otherwise only mvn sonar:sonar would be enough).

In Eclipse I have cobertura plugin installed, so usually I run unit tests with this plugin and check parts of the code that are being covered. Or I run mvn cobertura:cobertura and check ${basedir}/target/site/cobertura/index.html. No need to change the pom \o/ only if we want to use a specific version of the cobertura plugin or include/remove certain tests.

I have another plugin that I would like to use in the future, but it's a Jenkins plugin: Tasks plug-in. This plugin scans the source code for //TODO, //TBD, //FIXME and other code markers like these. I've seen some while I was reading the code, and maybe I could help with some of those.

Also, unittests are always welcome! Unfortunately we have less than we should (my fault).

Not your fault :-) The code base is huge (I'm still learning about all the projects) and has been continuously improved (on my view). Maybe even with some refactoring. It makes it harder to keep a high coverage.