cohama / lexima.vim

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new setting g:lexima_map_backspace to disable/remap backspace #101

Open astier opened 3 years ago

astier commented 3 years ago

Hallo. Could we have an option g:lexima_map_backspace just like g:lexima_map_escape?

My usecase is that I generally don't need it and would like to disable leximas behavior for backspace, but more importantly it doesn't play well with some completion-plugins like completion-nvim. It has a setting which disables completion when characters are deleted with backspace. When I use lexima somehow the completion is still triggered each time. I guess its because lexima hijacks backspace.

Also maybe this new setting could replace g:lexima_ctrlh_as_backspace? Just a thought.

astier commented 3 years ago

Or maybe there is another technical workaround which I don't know off because I don't really have the understanding of how it works and why lexima would make completion-nvim trigger completion.

cohama commented 3 years ago

g:lexima_map_backspace (or disable any keys feature) is a nice idea but lexima.vim doesn't have for now.

Try the following workaround: set iunmap <BS> after lexima.vim initialization and before completion-nvim.

But I wonder why completion menu conflicts with lexima's <BS> behavior. I'm using lexima.vim along with deoplete-nvim and no completion menu problem. <BS> also closes completion menu.

astier commented 3 years ago

iunmap <BS> causes the error E31: No such mapping when I start nvim. Anyway its not that important now.