cohama / lexima.vim

Auto close parentheses and repeat by dot dot dot...
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How do I install the plugin to NeoVim #102

Closed simanga-dev closed 3 years ago

simanga-dev commented 3 years ago

I am new to open source, and I am not familiar with building from source, I would instruction step by step on how to install this plugin on Neovim

cohama commented 3 years ago

lexima.vim is written in pure vim script and you do not need to build this plugin. You can install this by typical plugin manager such as vim-plug or dein.vim.

First, you need to install plugin manager. Read the installation instruction of the plugin manager you choose. Second, add installation code to your vimrc by your plugin-manager's manner. For example, if you use vim-plug, write the following line in your .vimrc (~/config/nvim/init.nvim) file.

Plug 'cohama/lexima.vim`
simanga-dev commented 3 years ago

Thank you