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Calling lexima#insmode#escape after the plugin has been deleted #103

Closed yuki-uthman closed 3 years ago

yuki-uthman commented 3 years ago


I tried the plugin once and deleted it.

Now when I press to get out of the insert mode it calls lexima#insmode#escape() and since I deleted the file it raises an error because it can't find that function anymore.

I wonder why it is doing that.

These are the error messages E117: Unknown function: lexima#insmode#escape E15: Invalid expression: lexima#insmode#escape()

yuki-uthman commented 3 years ago

So I found out that the issue was related to how the mkview saves your keybindings and deleting the plugin does not delete the bindings saved in the view.

When the views are loaded using loadivew all of the saved keybindings will be restored including the plugins which have already been deleted.